This Ask MetaFilter question about the way we define our relationship with food really struck home for me. Parts of the question (and the ensuing comments) could have been written by my subconscious. I know for a fact that when I was most successful with Weight Watchers, I was thinking about food *constantly*. It was something I focused on nearly every minute of the day. I also know that the reason I’ve put back on a little bit weight in the past few months (and the reason I’ve stopped going to WW) is because I got tired of maintaining that focus. I got tired of tracking every bit of food. I got tired of taking special dishes to potluck dinners so I could avoid everyone else’s fatty (and delicious) contributions. I got tired of denying myself things. Of course, none of this is how it’s supposed to work. WW was supposed to help me deal with these underpinning emotional issues so that I wouldn’t have to obsess about food. But instead it became just another test, a system that I could game by being clever. So while I’d say WW was successful in getting off the weight, it didn’t help me deal with why I had gained it in the first place. (And yes, I realize completely that going back to Atkins is just grasping for another set of rules I can manipulate.) I dunno. That anonymous poster got me thinking. Maybe I need to try an entirely different approach…
Month: March 2007
Stella at Target
Attention Sydney Fashionistas: The Stella McCartney range at Tar-zhay is launching this coming Monday! I am seriously loving a couple of those coats. As far as I can tell, the Bondi Target is open the latest on Monday nights (7pm). Anybody want to head over there after work with me? You may even get to see me wrestle someone for a trench coat.
MetaFilter Runs 2.0
Hooray! The next MetaFilter Runs challenge begins on the weekend. I haven’t really had much motivation to run since the last challenge ended, so this will be really good for me. Of course, seeing as how we’re going to be in Indiana for the last week of it, it’s also going to be a difficult one. “Can Kris actually work up the willpower to run on her vacation? Stay tuned…”
The cardi is growing…
My Kitty Kat Cardi continues to grow.
The two fronts will each have five diamonds, so I’m 30% of the way there…
Jet Boat
Well, my friend Sal finally made it back to the States and today she sent me a link to our photos from jetboating. Check ’em out!
We’re the goonies sitting in the back row of the boat. Oh, and if you’re wondering why everyone else is in red and we’re not? Because they’re wearing ponchos. WUSSES! Sal and I rocked it hardcore and got soaked in the process. I highly recommend the ride if you ever visit Sydney. It’s not that scary and you do get to see a lot of the harbour. Just get the 30 minute short ride though; that’ll be enough!
Cat Craziness.
Dr. Amy Jones was driving us CRAZY this morning, scratching and meowing at the bed for hours. We tried locking her up in the bathroom, giving her an early breakfast, refreshing her water, everything. She was just being a total poophead. Snookums thinks maybe the wind gusts scared her, or else the lunar eclipse messed with her brain. Me, I’m wondering if my Depo shot last week has screwed with her hormones.
Time lapse Thom Yorke
Time lapse video of someone painting a Photoshop portrait of Radiohead’s Thom Yorke. It’s amazing.
Youth was wasted on me.
So how did I spend the next-to-last weekend of my 20’s? I’m ashamed to say: sitting on my butt and knitting. Saturday morning was the Annual General Meeting of the Knitter’s Guild, and it totally just SAPPED MY WILL TO LIVE. I was surrounded by busybodies who actually spent half an hour heatedly debating the issue of whether we should print annual copies of the Membership Directory. Seriously. (For the record, I think the whole issue would be avoided by putting it on the website, but as A) that would mean work for me and B) I don’t actually care one way or the other, I kept my mouth shut.) My Knitting Nemesis was also in fine form, dominating the debate, waving her camera around, and generally just annoying everyone who was counting down the minutes til Tea Time. Basically, that was ninety minutes of my life that I’ll never get back. (Notable exception: Fiona received her Level 1 Certificate, and a hearty congratulations to her!)
Afterwards I suffered a major allergy attack and a subsequent headache, so I decided to pike on SSK and the Mardi Gras parade (to which the fabulous Bex had invited me). I then spent most of the next 36 hours working on my argyle kitty-kat cardigan, a teaser of which you see before you. I’m supposed to enter it in the Easter Show, but it’ll never be done in time. If it turns out well though, I might write it up for Yarn. I also watched Freaky Friday and Cat People (both of which were EXCELLENT), four episodes of House, three episodes of My Name is Earl, and the Biggest Loser weigh-in. Yeah, I suck.
Edible Chess
Edible Chess. That is neat!
Fabulous Franko is here!
Miss Jane has just launched her first children’s book and we all couldn’t be prouder! The reading was fun and we got signed books for the little ones. Well done, Jane!