Month: April 2007

  • California

    I’ve been in LA for just over 24 hours, and I’ve already fed the baby (twice), given him a bath, and assisted with a hellacious poopy diaper (which was orange because of the pumpkin I fed him). Don’t worry; we took photos so you’ll see the hilarity. My sister also took me to Wildfiber, where I finally got my hands on some Koigu. I’ve been on a bit of a sock knitting kick on this trip. Anyway, only two more days til I go home!

  • Us at Penney’s

    Back home again in Indiana…
    Well, I’m back at Mom’s but my heart is winging its way to Sydney with the Snook. This is the first time we’ve been apart in over six years. It’s weird. I’m having a good time with my family though, and I’m looking forward to a few uninterrupted days with my new nephew. I got him an awesome T-shirt at NASA and an Ugly Doll in Chicago. I’m planning to spoil the little bugger rotten.

    Anyway, last week Mom dragged us all to the JC Penney Portrait Studio, and it was just as hellish as you might imagine. We did get a good photo of me and Rodd out of it though…

    Me and Snookums

    Have a good flight, Snookums. I miss you already.

  • Very quick!

    Just a very quick post from the Orlando Airport… We’ve had a great time in Florida, and I’m pleased to report that the Astronaut Training Experience at Kennedy was EVERYTHING I DREAMED. You’ll be hearing all about it later. (And oh yeah, I took plenty of pictures.) The eighty-degree weather was nice too, especially after the snow of Indiana. Now we’re heading back to Chicago and going straight to Wrigley to catch a Cubs game this arvo. Back into the cold!

  • Easter Show

    It turns out my garments are on display at the Easter Show! Veronica just e-mailed me photos of them. The Kitty Kat Cardigan is next to Veronica’s blue ribbon vest, while the Cabled Hoodie of Doom is high up at the back of the next display case. I’m glad they got shown! (Thanks to Veronica for sending the pics, which I’ll post as soon as I can.)

  • Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter! I think everyone in northern Indiana is at church except for us. (We’re heathens.)

  • Easter Show

    Has anybody been to the Easter Show yet? I’m desperate to know whether my stuff’s been displayed. I’ve looked through the relevant Flickr photos but there doesn’t seem to be much knitting in there.

  • Snow

    It’s snowing here. SNOW. Greatest vacation ever.

  • Such. A. Bonehead.

    Such. A. Bonehead.
    It was like a scene from a movie. It was Monday morning and we hopped in the taxi to go to the airport. “You want to check and make extra-special sure we have the tickets?” I joked to the Snook. He got them out and had a look. “Uh, something’s wrong,” he said. He handed the itinerary up to me. I looked at our flight time, nope, all good there. Then the day: SUNDAY. As in: 24 hours previously. “WHAT? This has to be a mistake.” No, my friends, we friggin’ got the date wrong. I wish I were making this up. I hyperventilated all the way to the airport where we frantically called our travel agent Nick. I also found an Internet terminal and was able to trace down the mistake. We’d originally planned to go on the Monday and Nick had e-mailed through the itinerary. Then when we’d actually gone in to pay for the tickets, we discovered availability to leave the previous day. So we switched it. When I made my super-duper anal Google spreadsheet of all the trip details, though, I unthinkingly based it off the original e-mail. Hence, we ended up at the airport 24 hours after our flight had left.

    I’ve got nothing but great things to say about Nick at Flight Centre and David at Qantas, though. The two of them were able to switch around our tickets (at, yeah, a not inconsiderable cost) and get us on the Monday flight. We also had to spend about seven hours hanging around San Francisco airport yesterday. But we’re here and everything’s okay. We made it.

    Be sure to always check your paper tickets, kids.

  • We’re Off

    The bags are packed and the taxi’s been ordered. We’re off! America, here we come…

  • Heh.

    Heh. I totally fell for it.