Hooray! I just noticed that Roger Ebert is reviewing movies again. Not a lot just now, but it’s nice to see him doing what he loves again.
Month: May 2007
The Golden Compass
Ooh, official teaser trailer for The Golden Compass! That looks AWESOME. I literally gasped. “Iorek Byrnison!” “Pantalaimon!” Eva Green looks great as Serafina Pekkala. And how much do I love Sam Elliot? So, so much. (Link courtesy of patrick.)
This one’s for Mel: “Do female mud wrestlers get mud in their, uh, ladybits?” That discussion had me cracking up today.
This site claims that Australians have been eating poutine (the famous Canadian dish of french fries covered in cheese curds and gravy) “for decades.” O RLY? Where the heck do they get that? I’ve never seen it here. I’ve been googling for the past few minutes and I can’t find any Australian restaurants that list it. Sure, you can get chips and gravy here, but it’s not exactly the same. Do any of you know of a Sydney eatery with poutine on the menu?
That reminds me. When we got to “Canada” at Epcot, I looked all over for a booth selling poutine. Couldn’t find one! So we went into one of the gift shops and I asked the cashier, who was VERY Canadian. “Oh, no,” she said. “Me and the rest of the staff, we can’t find anybody in all of Orlando that serves it. There’s this restaurant out on the highway that will put gravy and cottage cheese on your fries though, if you ask, eh.” Damn.
Has the ABC News website been hacked? Did they really just post a story about a guy who wore the same pants for 2.5 years as a “JUST IN”? It’s not April 1st, is it? And what’s that weird quote about “odour” at the end of it? This HAS to be a joke.
Truffle salt
Truffle salt. Oh my god. I want that.
30 Facts about Star Wars
30 Facts About Star Wars, on occasion of the movie turning thirty-years-old tomorrow.
He looks like a Bob!
“He looks like a Bob.” Apparently scientists have determined that certain names are associated with certain facial characteristics. Huh. I wonder if it only works for guys. (I’m reminded of The Breakfast Club and the bit about “Claire” being a fat girl’s name.) I guess if you have an obscure name like the Snook, the benefit is that nobody has a preconceived notion of what you’re going to look like!
Sale Prep
Sale preparations continue and I’m starting to feel a little stressed. Plus I keep remembering that this is about the time last year when I developed my stomach problems. Must stay relaxed. Things always work out in the end, right?
(Pssst. Word on the street is: minimum 20% off everything, with some big discounts on some “supreme” packets of wool. You didn’t hear it here.)