
Dude, we just saw Transformers. And it ROCKED! The Snook’s a bit of a fanboy (but I’m sooo not), so we joined the full house at the Broadway for the 8:30 show. It was awesome. Yeah, the action sequences are good and all, but get this – it’s actually really funny. The human characters and storylines are all excellent. (Pssst. Hey, Sis? Shia LaBeouf is, like, the second coming of John Cusack. Seriously. You’re gonna LOVE that kid.) And now I really, really want a yellow Camaro. Come on, even Margaret and David gave it a good review! If you’re in the mood for some whizzy action fun, this one is highly recommended.

Knitblogger Feud

Some of you might be aware that there’s a bit of a feud going on in the Sydney “knitternet.” It’s all very high school at the moment, and I’ve been trying to stay out of the muck myself. (I will say, though, that I find really artsy, sparse, poetic knit blogs incredibly BORING, and since Mary-Helen is a mate of mine… Well, maybe I have picked a side after all.) Anyway, ginger_nut waded into the fray recently and was rewarded with the snotty insult that her blog lacked “personality.” Rather than stoop to her insulter’s level, she took the opportunity to make an excellent post about her battle with depression. She’s even started a bit of a campaign to raise awareness, which is why I’ve added her “Knit & Fight the Black Dog” button to my site. Kickass, ginger_nut.


Which Superhero Are You? According to that quiz, I’m the Human Torch:

You’re on fire, baby! Literally and in spirit. You’re the fun-loving, thrill-seeking, life-of-the-party superhero. Some people say you need to grow up. You think those un-super losers should get a life and kiss your flaming comet. It’s hard for you to be a team player, but when the spit hits the fan, your fantastic friends know they can count on you.

FLAME ON! Link courtesy of The Hulk.

Public Apppearances

Calendar of Public Appearances for this Weekend:

Saturday, June 30, 9am-1pm – I will be manning the Knitter’s Guild booth at the Craft Fair with Miss Fee. Stop by if you’re at the show!

Sunday, July 1, 10am-12pm – I will be teaching folks to knit at the Wraps With Love booth at the ABC 75th Birthday Open Day in Ultimo. (Incidentally, any other knitters interested in doing this with me?) You should definitely stop by if you’re in the neighborhood, if only to see if I’ve thrown down with Margaret Throsby yet.