Month: June 2007

  • Baby Chucks

    Baby Chucks = CUTEST THING EVER.


    Not to toot my own horn, but the people of this town really ought to give me a big thank you today. I successfully fended off a supplier who was giving me the hard sell on “a system for applying rhinestones to garments.” Yes, he wanted us to sell BEDAZZLERS. And I told him that I really couldn’t be a party to the fashion crimes that would ensue.

  • Sideways Knit Socks

    Sideways Sock. That is utterly BRILLIANT. I’m so going to make those.

  • Stuffed.

    We had a bit of a foodie weekend. Saturday we were invited to a barbecue at my co-worker Bridget’s house in Malabar, a suburb in Sydney’s southeast. We borrowed the GoGet car and I successfully piloted us all the way down Anzac Parade. (Google told us to take the Tunnel, but no way. Baby steps.) I arrived with resolve to stick to my healthy eating plan, resolve that melted away in the face of sparkling Merlot and wedges of Brie. The rain started pelting down again, and I tell you it felt amazing to eat wonderful food with good friends while watching the waves crash into the Malabar headland. This is such a beautiful city. We made it home in one piece and spent twelve hours digesting… before heading out to meet up with Leanne and Brendan at the Good Food Show. We tried a little bit of everything. The highlights were the Korean stall where I bought some kimchi (and successfully greeted the chick with “Annyong haseyo!”); sampling the always delicious brews from Redoak; and getting a whiskey tasting lesson at the Jack Daniel’s booth. But really, what else are you going to do on a cold, gray winter weekend?

  • Sydney Webcams

    Sydney Webcams. Just in case any of you guys want to actually see this crappy weather we’ve all been complaining about.

  • Embarrassing President

    The Top 15 Most Embarrassing Photos of George W. Bush. I’m just disappointed we didn’t get to see him falling off his Segway. (Link courtesy of Kevin.)

  • Jellyfish

    Um. A knitted, felted jellyfish. Really. In Noro, no less. (Oh, the humanity!)

  • Ravelry

    It looks like the folks at Ravelry have sent out a lot more invitations. If any of you knitters get in, go ahead and add me as a friend. I’m listed as “webgoddess.” However, I’m warning you: If I see one more photo of someone’s Monkey socks worn with dress shoes, I’M GOING TO KILL. (It almost makes me not want to knit them! Almost.)

  • Urge to Kill Rising…

    Only one of these people exists.
    We just got our invitation to my brother’s wedding. It’s addressed to “Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Snook.”

    The Snook, of course, finds it all so highly amusing.

  • Kryptonite

    I think this Clamato energy drink just might be my Kryptonite. Mussst… puke… now.