Oh man. This list of “sissy, post-grunge, mid-90’s poseurs” just breaks my heart. Why? Because it looks like my Top Rated playlist in iTunes. Those are ALL the songs from when I was in high school! See, this is why I don’t listen to much modern music anymore. My tastes just aren’t fashionable enough. (Okay, okay. I’ll admit I do cringe a little when “The Freshmen” comes on.)
Month: July 2007
702 ABC Knit-In
It’s me and Bex, proudly representing the non-blue-hairs! Miss Fee and Lara are with us too. Shame on all you slackasses still in bed!
Cat = Harbinger of Death
Cat = Harbinger of Death. I could’ve told you that.
Golden Snitch Knitting Needles
Golden Snitch Knitting Needles. Awww, those are so cute! I’d make myself a pair, except for the fact that I rarely use straight needles anymore. (Link courtesy of Bex.)
Sword of Destiny!
I’ll admit that when I read the headline “Magician injured in sword trick,” my first thought was of Gob Bluth. And now I have “The Final Countdown” stuck in my head…
Uses of Beeswax. For some reason I just found that interesting.
Poker-playing robot
Hey Jenny: I’m interested to hear what my “cousin-in-law” Dave has to say about this poker-playing robot. I almost think it’s a flawed experiment to begin with, because the whole point of being a good poker player (as I understand it) is to read your opponent. The cards you get shouldn’t matter at all. But a computer just can’t (as far as I know) interpret the millions of subtle bits of body language that humans are capable of. And conversely, there’s no way for the human to get a read on his opponent’s game other than by the card’s he’s shown. It just seems like more of a stunt than anything.
Knitty Surprises
The Knitty surprises are up! I like this Emerald Seas tank a lot, and I just may have to make this grocery bag. They’re getting added to my Ravelry queue!