Month: July 2007

  • Beeswax

    Uses of Beeswax. For some reason I just found that interesting.


  • Poker-playing robot

    Hey Jenny: I’m interested to hear what my “cousin-in-law” Dave has to say about this poker-playing robot. I almost think it’s a flawed experiment to begin with, because the whole point of being a good poker player (as I understand it) is to read your opponent. The cards you get shouldn’t matter at all. But…


  • Knitty Surprises

    The Knitty surprises are up! I like this Emerald Seas tank a lot, and I just may have to make this grocery bag. They’re getting added to my Ravelry queue!


  • Geeky Knitting

    thomasina’s Guide to Geeky Knitting. Great!


  • I Believe in Science

    I Believe in Science. Those are great T-shirts. I need one!


  • Deathly Hallows DiscussionOkay, you’ve had a couple days to read. It’s time to discuss. However, I’ve modified the front page of w-g so that you won’t get inadvertently spoiled by the “recent comments” over there on the right. If you want to find out what happens, you’re going to have to click on this link.The…


  • Congratulations, Ant and Kara!Of course, the Harry Potter launch was not the only event of global significance taking place this weekend. My brother Anthony got married to his girlfriend Kara Saturday back in Indiana. (That’s right, ladies; Anthony Howard is off the market! Commence weeping.) Neither myself nor my sister was able to swing another…


  • Plotting

    More photos: LOVE this one Amy took of the Snook on the train. Oh, and this one of me and the Snook before boarding. And for some reason, I suspect a lot of you are going to find this one really funny.


  • Some photos

    Just a couple photos from today’s “Gleewarts” trip: First is Mundungus, showing off some of his wares. He had jewelry and “Muggle artifacts” on this side (there’s even a fork in there), and he had objects of great “Dark” power on the other. Next is me, after having my face painted not long after departure.…


  • Finished

    …And I’m DONE. Took me about six hours or so, all up. It’s just getting on midnight in America, I think, so I’ll give you guys a day or two to catch up before we start discussing plot. (That means NO PLOT DISCUSSIONS YET. My sister can’t be trusted with spoilers!)But yeah, I’m extremely happy…
