Happy birthday, Sis!
Month: July 2007
Australian Knitters
I’ve started an “Australian Knitters” group on Ravelry. I sent out invites to everybody I could see on the location map, but let me know if I missed you. (Actually you don’t need an invitation to join; you can just sign up on the new Groups page.)
Bubble-gum Pink
In what universe is this hair colour “bubble-gum pink”? THAT IS PURPLE. I am not dyeing my hair purple. The movie people can suck it.
Up and Down
This weekend was all about long periods of quiet knitting time punctuated by brief episodes of crazy social outings. I worked on the Snook’s jumper all day Friday (basically finished the sleeves) before heading out that night for Fiona’s birthday dinner. What fun! Bubbly and lamb shanks and cake and happy children and the Sock Victim. Saturday morning I was back on the couch for the all important Joining of the Sleeves and Body. In the afternoon, we were summoned by Powdered Toast Man to Paddy Maguire’s for beer and conversation. (How nice is it to go to a pub and not end up reeking of smoke? FRICKIN’ EXCELLENT.) We were soon joined by Amy, who whisked us off to Newtown for some Mexican food. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get a table at either Chocolate Dog or Newtown’s Cocina. (Since when do you have to make a reservation at a restaurant on South King Street? That’s RIDICULOUS.) We ended up at the swankified Bank, slurping Thai food in the dark out the back and making plans for the Harry Potter trip in two weeks…
Which brings me to this morning. Here I am, sitting at work while hundreds of fans cheer as the sneak preview of Order of the Phoenix begins six blocks away. *sniff* Bastards.
Plaything of Women
When I knit on the couch next to the Snook, I often poke him with my knitting needle just for kicks. It appears there is a historical precedent. (Found via this AskMefi question.)
Citizenship Test
Could you pass the US Citizenship test? I’m pretty pleased with my 90%. The only ones I missed were the naturalization form (which doesn’t apply to me) and the one about voting Amendments. (It’s been awhile since my high school Civics class.) Still, I guess I’m still qualified to call myself a Yank. (Link courtesy of Bex, who is only 55% potential American.)
HP Anguish
Kathleen called me up yesterday to offer me two tickets to this Sunday’s SNEAK PREVIEW of the new Harry Potter movie.
I’m working Sunday. I’ve asked everyone who could possibly cover for me and they’ve all got other plans already.
ANGUISH. I’ll just have to see it three days later with the rest of the plebes, I guess.
UPDATE: A ray of hope has appeared. It may still be possible.
UPDATE: Dashed. The tickets are already gone. Oh well.
Disney Dream Job
This guy won a contest and got to live out his “Disney Dream Job” for a weekend: butler at the Haunted Mansion. Sweet! I probably would’ve gone for Princess or Parade Performer myself (especially since those Parade Performers are dressed up like they’re in High School Musical, WHICH. WOULD. ROCK.).
Here’s one for Mom: Heavy Metal Quilts.