DUDE! I was just googling for a particular knitting book online, and I found a UK shop called HCS Crafts. Um, notice anything familiar about that site? They completely ripped us off. (I saved a screenshot for posterity.) As you might imagine, I immediately fired off a rather terse e-mail.
As I see it, there are three main problems here. The first is website design theft. They’ve copied the way part of our site looks in a really obvious way. (Also, RANDOM. They’re in the UK but there’s an embroidery of the Sydney Opera House? Did they even look at what they were doing?) This isn’t really a “crime” that you can do anything about, other than naming and shaming. (Hence this post.) The second and third issues are a bit more serious. That header with the embroidery and the wool and the red rick-rack? That actually comes from a printed advertisement that we’ve been running in Sydney hotels for a number of years. A printed advertisement that is copyrighted and which we never gave any permission for anyone else to use. Lastly we have the fact that they’ve taken our shop logo, the actual trademarked image that we have on a sign in front of the shop, and simply replaced the words “Tapestry Craft” with their own. Yeah. You’re really not allowed to do that.
So of course this is all very flattering, especially since I’m the crappiest website designer ever. But hey! Now that I’ve been ripped off, I’ve got industry cred!
Update: They seem to have taken it down now. Evidently naming-and-shaming works!