My friend Nora‘s cousin Max recently performed performed as Napoleon Dynamite at some sort of assembly… and now it’s on YouTube. And it rocks! I love how you can see him really start to get into it towards the end. That is a level of coolness to which I could only have aspired in high school.
Month: September 2007
Name That Color
Name That Color. Now that is a phenomenally useful app! Especially to someone like me, who is constantly trying to come up with descriptive names for colours of knitting yarn. (Link courtesy of Patrick.)
Pierre is a BOY?
I was pleased to see that our very own Pierre the Yarn Snob got name-checked at the end of this Knitty article on depression… until I realised that the author referred to Meg as a guy! Quelle faux pas!
New Knitty is up!
Updated to add: Oddly, I liked most of the cardigans and hats and disliked most of the socks. That’s weird. I really dig this yoke sweater, and this little bag is so cute. I also think I could wear this funny hat, though I prefer it in the non-slubby yarn. There are a few things that make me scratch my head though. This seems like a prop in a future Darwin Award story. It’s a total strangulation waiting to happen. These, I’m sorry to say, are some of the ugliest socks I’ve ever seen. And the Woodins? Are simply mystifying. Though that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Libby’s Pumpkin Pie Mix
Attention, my fellow American-Australians! The David Jones Food Hall in Sydney currently has a massive display of Libby’s canned Pumpkin Pie Mix. Pumpkin Pie Mix! In Australia! I literally GASPED when I saw it today. And then I gasped again when the woman at the checkout charged me NINE DOLLARS for it.
Nicky Epstein
Don’t forget… the Nicky Epstein Book Signing is tomorrow! I’ve been unpacking boxes of her books all afternoon. We’ve got all three “Edge” books ($49.99 each), “Knitted Flowers” ($39.99), and the new “Knitting Never Felt Better” ($39.99). See you tomorrow at the shop!
Knitting Rain Man
Sometimes I get really tired of being the “knitting Rain Man,” the person who’s expected to know every single knitting pattern and yarn EVER, and who constantly gets interrupted all day by questions about it. And I’m not talking about interruptions from customers; I’m talking about staff. It’s flattering to be the go-to person, but I think I’m about done with it.
Beer in pints, and all is right with the world
Good news for Pommies (and Steve and Nath): British pubs have been spared from switching to metric and will continue to sell beer by the pint.
Google*: It’s still on, baby! Things are on the back burner, but I’ve been in contact with HR and she’s still hoping to find a position for me. Sweeeeet.
* You guys all guessed that, right?
Brownie Pan
Any of you Yanks willing to send me a Baker’s Edge pan? They look awesome, and I’ve never seen them here.