Month: September 2007

  • Wonder Woman Jumper

    Wonder Woman Jumper. That is truly one of the coolest pieces of knitting I’ve ever seen. (Link courtesy of Bex.)

  • Nicky Epstein UPDATE

    Nicky Epstein Update!*
    I just had a call from Nicky’s PR people, who said that she’d also like to do a demonstration at the book signing next Friday. So we’re going to have a demonstration from 3:30-4:30, and then she’ll sign books for whoever wants. And obviously we’ll probably end up keeping the store open past 5:00 for the stragglers…

    * Awaiting anguished wail from Mary-Helen in 3… 2… 1…

  • Popular culture and wine

    Does popular culture have any effect on wine sales? To the extent that the Snook and I always giggle that we’re “not drinking any f**king Merlot,” I’d say it does.

  • Nike+ Widget

    Oh, wow! I just discovered today that the Nike+ site now offers embeddable widgets. I’ve replaced my old training log in the right-hand column with a sexy new Flash one that shows my last five workouts. (The slow ones are walking to/from work.)

  • Deep-Fried Latte

    Deep-fried latte. *shudder* Somewhere in Darlinghurst, the Snook is gagging quietly to himself… (Link courtesy of Just Jussi.)


    I don’t know what’s more annoying: that George Bush is arriving in Sydney tomorrow and can’t even spell the name of the city, or that John Howard laughed it off because “Americans are bad spellers.” I WON THE COUNTY SPELLING BEE, YOU CRAZY-EYEBROWED FOOL!

  • Driving

    Mario Andretti woulda sure been proud…
    I know I shouldn’t be, but sometimes I’m surprised to discover that, yes, I really am a capable adult. This morning I had errands to run in both Clovelly and Rosebery, and I was dreading the thought of sitting on multiple buses. “Hey!” I thought. “I can take the car!” So I did. I used Google Maps to plan out my route and hit the road. The first stop was a relatively straight shot down Botany Road, which was cool, except for the parking, which was not. But I managed. Getting from Rosebery to Clovelly wasn’t too complicated, and I even negotiated some roundabouts. Coming back home was the fun bit. And I mean fun in both the literal “Wow! Driving a little car on windy roads with a view of the ocean is FUN!” sense, and also in the ironic “Man, Google Maps was smokin’ some crack with these directions to get on South Dowling” sense. Now I’m home in one piece, and basking in the pride of having managed my first solo driving trip in Sydney. And I didn’t even run into any APEC fences!

  • Urge to kill rising…

    Urge to kill rising…
    My knitting nemesis is leading a class today, and I keep overhearing snatches of conversation that MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL.

    • “When we’re all dead, no one will knit anymore! Young people don’t want to knit!”
    • “How in the world would I have ever learned that without you to show me? They print all these fancy books, but no one can learn something so difficult from a book.”

    And this was a classic:

    Knitter: Where can you get cheap wool for a rug? Back when I was young, you’d never use expensive garment wool for a rug. I just want something cheap.
    Me: (with a laugh) Big W.
    Knitter: Oh, but I don’t want acrylic!
    Nemesis: (stage whispering so she thinks I don’t hear) LINCRAFT AND SPOTLIGHT HAVE INEXPENSIVE WOOL…