In the same vein as Andrew‘s “Dead Steve Irwin” costume from last year, check out these ideas for offensive Halloween costumes as provided by AskMeFi. (Warning! They really are offensive! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!) I am ashamed to admit that I chuckled at many of these.
Month: October 2007
Not goooood news.
Not goooooood news. The bastards have rejected me. You must all now switch to using Yahoo as a search engine. I’m going to go drown my sorrows in wine.
Iron Chefs
The Snook and I have done some pretty crazy things in our time. We got married in Vegas with an Elvis impersonator. We’ve gone to grown-up Space Camp. We made a turducken. And yet somehow, I think this will be one of the best adventures yet: We’re going to dinner with two Iron Chefs. SERIOUSLY. In just over three weeks, we will sit down to a seven-course meal prepared by Iron Chefs Sakei and Chen. How INSANE is that? I cannot wait. I am primed and ready for anything. So bring on your fish ice cream, Sakei! Bring on your slabs of foie gras and piles of shaved truffle!
I know it’s extravagant. I don’t care. If you like food as much as we do, you’d do it too!
Craft Rooms
From Flickr: Craft Rooms. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, now that I’ll have a whole room to organise all my crafty stuff in!
Bibim Bap!
How to make bibim bap. Excellent. I’m hungry.
Sock Yarn for Sale
Sock Yarn for Sale
Thanks to the ever-fabulous kylie gusset, five skeins of the Knittery’s “Warm Pinks” Merino Cashmere sock yarn are winging their way to me from Melbourne. Not only is this a lovely yarn, but $5 from each skein is being donated towards breast cancer research. Two of the skeins are already claimed (by me and Hannah) but the other three are up for grabs if anyone’s interested. Because kylie got them at a discount for her bulk order and consolidated one Sydney shipment to me to save postage, each skein is $24.00 (lower than what you’d get on your own). Let me know if you’re interested! -
Brain Teaser
Brain Teaser
Stefanie linked to this week’s NPR Sunday Puzzle, which is this:Name a well-known city in the United States, two words, 10 letters altogether. Add the letter A at the front, add the city’s two-letter state postal abbreviation at the end, the resulting 13-letter chain will be palindromic, that is, it will read backward and forward the same. What city is this?
It took me a couple minutes of doodling on the back of an envelope to get it. This will be a tricky one for non-USians!
Furry Crocs
Annnnd… Crocs are officially dead to me. I’ll be throwing my old pairs out. This makes me sad.
Cosco in Oz?
Costco in Oz? Sweet.
New Poll: Catch-22
New Poll: Let’s settle this Catch-22 business once and for all. I couldn’t help noticing that its only defender in the previous discussion was male. Is this is a gendered book? Vote down there on the right and give me your opinion.