Month: November 2007

  • Anansi Boys

    Last night I finished Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (as recommended by crumpet). Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! I tore through this immensely fun story in less than a week. I liked it way more than American Gods, mostly because that story was so full of obscure mythological figures that I was constantly worried I was missing references. Anansi Boys, on the other hand, is fairly self-contained and I could just enjoy the story. I really liked that it was set in a world that I could recognize (sometimes too well – hello London!) yet there are other realities only a hairs-breadth away from us. Stuff is just constantly! happening! and then it all comes together neatly at the end. I heartily recommend it, especially if you like a little bit of fantasy. I just have one question though – what the hell was the deal with the lime? 🙂

    Also note: Wikipedia says that the BBC World Service will be broadcasting an adaptation on November 17 starring Lenny Henry and Matt Lucas. Now I just have to figure out how to record it.

  • Brain Bag

    I’m trying to figure out how this knitted Brain Bag was constructed. I don’t see how you could knit it in one piece, so I’m guessing it’s just several meters of stuffed knitted tube sewn to the outside of an existing bag. Right?

  • Cynara Lives

    I am a Level 10 Night Elf Druid.
    Confession: I’ve been playing World of Warcraft. I know, I know. I tried it last year but didn’t get hooked. Rodd plays it all the time though and, well, I enjoy spending time with him. So when he recently griped about the lack of smart players in his guild group, I put my hand up and volunteered. So far I’m just playing once a week. (We refer to Thursdays as “Pew-Pew Night!”) We got our characters up to level 10 last night, which means that you can now see me on the online “armory”. No, I have no idea what any of that stuff means. I just let the Snook (aka Droso) lead me around so I can blast stuff. I told him my only requirement is that I don’t want to do anything insultingly girly, like be a healer or a cook or something. (Which is why my chick is learning “skinning.”) Oh, and her name is “Cynara,” which comes from that stupid book.

  • Ranco Sock Yarn

    Sydney Sock Knitters: Remember that new sock yarn I told you about? It’s here. I just unpacked five huge boxes of it and, man, it was like THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER. I’m putting them on the website today, so they should be up soon.

    Edited to Add: They’re heeeeere! Ranco Solid and Ranco Multi. Unfortunately the colour cards we have don’t do the yarn justice at all, so you really need to see them in person to fully appreciate how pretty they are!

  • Baby Yoda

    Baby Yoda! That is too, too cute. (For those that don’t know, I knitted that.)

  • King Roger

    This is for Eileen: Roger Federer as King Arthur. Okay, I don’t even like the guy that much, but that picture? Phwoar.

  • Google Tactics

    Ahh, evidently this is what I should’ve done to get the Google job. Cyber-squatting.

  • Adam Savage

    Sweeeeet! Mythbuster Adam Savage left a Metafilter comment complimenting me on my Halloween costume. My Dad is gonna be SO IMPRESSED.