Last night I finished Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (as recommended by crumpet). Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! I tore through this immensely fun story in less than a week. I liked it way more than American Gods, mostly because that story was so full of obscure mythological figures that I was constantly worried I was missing references. Anansi Boys, on the other hand, is fairly self-contained and I could just enjoy the story. I really liked that it was set in a world that I could recognize (sometimes too well – hello London!) yet there are other realities only a hairs-breadth away from us. Stuff is just constantly! happening! and then it all comes together neatly at the end. I heartily recommend it, especially if you like a little bit of fantasy. I just have one question though – what the hell was the deal with the lime? 🙂
Also note: Wikipedia says that the BBC World Service will be broadcasting an adaptation on November 17 starring Lenny Henry and Matt Lucas. Now I just have to figure out how to record it.