Knitting a flaming skull onto a jumper is pretty bad-ass, but it’s even MORE bad-ass when you get your jumper photographed with Alice Cooper.
Month: December 2007
Scrubs Proposal
Scrubs cast help crew member propose. *sniff* That is really, really sweet.
Seismic Shift
Did you feel it? That little seismic shift? We have a female (acting) Prime Minister today.
The Bus
Wow, the London-to-Sydney Bus finally arrived, and it sounds like the trip was nine kinds of hell. As we pretty much all expected.
Nephew ahoy!
Just heard – via an e-mail from my Grandpa Harter(!) – that my brother and Kara are at the hospital in Fort Wayne. It looks like this baby is finally coming tonight!
Update: He’s here! Isaiah David Howard weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20″ long, despite being a month premature. (Apparently he’s the biggest preemie EVER.) Congratulations to Anthony and Kara. I’ve gotta get cracking on some more baby stuff!
The Story of Quilts
The Story of Quilts. Mom will like that one.
HSM Singalong
Oh. My. God. High School Musical: Sing-a-long for the Wii is SO. MUCH. FUN. Especially when you’ve never played it before and you start singing and your guests don’t know the words and they all sneak out while you’re warbling “This Could Be the Start of Something New.”
Ambivalent Sexism Inventory
Ambivalent Sexism Inventory. I scored a .55 on the “hostile,” and a .82 on the “benevolent.” I’ve got a guess why, but I’ll hide it so you can take the quiz unspoiled.I think this is because I answered some of the questions more charitably that they were intended. Like: “Women should be cherished and protected by men.” Of course they should! Just as men should be cherished and protected by women! I don’t think the question was meant to be taken in that way though.
Soaking Sydney
Soaking Sydney. Are we going to keep having apocalyptic weather all summer? Luckily I was dry at home yesterday during the storm, but it sure scared the hell out of the cat.