Month: December 2007

  • Alphabets of Desire

    I’ve been reading Todd Klein‘s blog for a while now. He’s been a letterer in the comics industry for thirty years, and his site is really entertaining for anybody who likes design and text. He’s just announced that he and Alan Moore have collaborated on a special one-off print: Alphabets of Desire. I enjoyed the story of how it came about, but I’m thinking, “Greeeeat. How many hundreds of dollars is this gonna cost?” So I clicked over to his shop page. $16. And postage is another $4. I placed my order immediately. Hooray! I bought some art for the house!

  • Rap Graphs

    Graphical interpretations of rap lyrics. Some of these are really funny, and some are just mystifying because me? Not a huge rap connoisseur. This one is totally my favorite though. (Link courtesy of Eileen.)

  • Piano

    Isn’t it always the way? You sit down to dinner, and somebody turns up with a piano.

    Later: Did you know that it’s physically possible for two guys to physically carry a piano? I didn’t. I honestly thought that a piano – even an upright – weighed like a thousand pounds. So it was with great excitement and glee that I watched as two of the most Ocker guys I’ve ever seen maneuvered a piano up our front steps and into the dining room. (You’ll probably be able to see it in the distance on CouchCam in the morning.) Now all we have to do is get it tuned and the Snook will be able to give Darren a run for his money. (Thanks to Ma and Pa Snook for arranging for it to be sent down!)

  • For Sale: One Useless Cat

    For Sale: One Useless Cat. When I saw that link title, I totally expected it to be the Snook trying to sell Dr. Amy Jones on eBay. Instead it’s TOTAL CUTENESS OVERLOAD!