Month: February 2008

  • Suck it, Linus

    Well. Linus says OS X is “utter crap.” Awww, whatever. Sounds like somebody is annoyed at all the Linux switchers. I’m also amused that the things he cites as the most exciting developments in Linux – green credentials and mobile computing such as the One Laptop Per Child project – are stuff the average consumer user couldn’t give a crap about.

    Edited to add: After discussing it with the Snook, I’m going to take back my bitchiness. Linus was addressing a Linux developers’ conference, and his quotes indicate that he was really talking more about the underpinnings of an operating system than its UI. So really, he was quoted out of context just to make for a bit of sensational reporting. I’ll cut him some slack.

  • Obama = Mac

    Is Obama a Mac and Clinton a PC? That’s probably a good encapsulation about why I have warm fuzzies towards Obama and not towards Hilary, despite the fact that I think she’d do a good job.


    My favorite part of last night’s Biggest Loser initial weigh-in was when Rachel, the hard-core dyke, realized that she’s 85kg heavier than her tiny girlfriend. “Oh my God!” she said. “I must squish her!” HA! 🙂

  • Opera Photos

    The Other Andrew has posted his photos from the opera, and they’re all awesome. He got a great boob shot of me, a SUPER CUTE one of me and Snookums, and a hilarious one where I’m belting out the national anthem. (I had had some wine by that point.)

  • BOOM!

    Holy crap! The Snook and I were both awakened late last night by a tremendous boom that rattled our bedroom window. “What the hell was that?” I mumbled as we went back to sleep. My addled brain chalked it up to a car backfiring or the people upstairs dropping something large. Turns out it was a huge-ass gas explosion at Nando’s about two blocks away!

  • Knitting at the Opera

    Opera CrowdAs you may have heard on David’s podcast, yesterday was our big outdoor knitting event at the Australian Opera’s performance of La Boheme in the Domain. About twenty or so knitters turned up to listen to Puccini under the stars with a hundred thousand other people. But before there were thousands, there were four. David, Bex, Reecie, and I braved rain and clouds to stake out a spot a full EIGHT HOURS before the performance began. Our dedication did not go unnoticed by the rain gods, who eventually gave way before brilliant sunshine. (A little too much sunshine. I’m rockin’ quite the farmer’s tan.) We ate and drank and knitted the day away. David did his podcast live from the event and interviewed most of us early arrivals (including me). Finally the sun went down and the show started. I’m a big fan of Puccini (we visited his hometown in Italy) and the music was just gorgeous. I loved the actress who played Mimi, and I thought it was awesome that she was Asian. The whole Paris=Newtown thing didn’t bother me as I’d expected. (In fact, I approve heartily of their use of a goon bag.) The only thing that kept me from really loving this production… was Rodolfo. He didn’t look like a starving romantic poet to me; he looked more like a beefy greaser. His voice was amazing, but I just couldn’t buy him in the part. Musetta ruled though, and hearing those trumpets blast at the end of her Waltz while the moon rose over Sydney’s skyline just… CHILLS, PEOPLE.

  • RunningBlog

    Well, I was bound to have a bad week eventually. I went out for my first run on Tuesday intent on increasing my running time by 10% to 28 minutes. I only made it about half that. I just felt so tired and run-down. Later that night, I was getting into the shower when I felt a sudden twang of pain in my left quad. Crap. An injury ON TOP of a bad run. I decided to give myself some time off. I spent the next three days icing my leg and rubbing it down with Voltarin. I saw my doctor on Friday and asked whether there were any anti-inflammatories that were safe for my stomach. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS are a no-go for me, but he gave me a prescription for a new type that’s supposed to be gentler. On Saturday, I gingerly headed out for a run. I just did laps around the park (so I wouldn’t be too far away from home if it started hurting), and I tried to take small steps (shuffling, really) as much as possible. Basically, I took it easy. HOWEVER, I managed to last the whole 28 minutes and my leg felt fine. A little wobbly there at the end, but no significant pain. I took one of the new pills when I got home and that seemed to help a bit too. So it seems this week might not be the setback I feared it would be!


    I heart robots.
    This? Is so freaking tomorrow. Gyroscopes are cool. Doesn’t that make you feel like we’re living in the future? I like that much better than those creepy humanoid robots.

  • Gun-shaped Egg Rings

    I know Unclutterer only linked to these gun-shaped egg rings to mock them, but dude, I kinda think they pretty neat! But then again, I do have cookie cutters in the shape of Michigan

  • Fish Centerpiece

    Note to self: Here’s another possible centerpiece for this year’s Halloween Party. It needs to look more evil and less happy though. Maybe nasty big pointy teeth?