Well, I was bound to have a bad week eventually. I went out for my first run on Tuesday intent on increasing my running time by 10% to 28 minutes. I only made it about half that. I just felt so tired and run-down. Later that night, I was getting into the shower when I felt a sudden twang of pain in my left quad. Crap. An injury ON TOP of a bad run. I decided to give myself some time off. I spent the next three days icing my leg and rubbing it down with Voltarin. I saw my doctor on Friday and asked whether there were any anti-inflammatories that were safe for my stomach. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS are a no-go for me, but he gave me a prescription for a new type that’s supposed to be gentler. On Saturday, I gingerly headed out for a run. I just did laps around the park (so I wouldn’t be too far away from home if it started hurting), and I tried to take small steps (shuffling, really) as much as possible. Basically, I took it easy. HOWEVER, I managed to last the whole 28 minutes and my leg felt fine. A little wobbly there at the end, but no significant pain. I took one of the new pills when I got home and that seemed to help a bit too. So it seems this week might not be the setback I feared it would be!
Month: February 2008
I heart robots.
This? Is so freaking tomorrow. Gyroscopes are cool. Doesn’t that make you feel like we’re living in the future? I like that much better than those creepy humanoid robots.
Gun-shaped Egg Rings
I know Unclutterer only linked to these gun-shaped egg rings to mock them, but dude, I kinda think they pretty neat! But then again, I do have cookie cutters in the shape of Michigan…
Fish Centerpiece
Note to self: Here’s another possible centerpiece for this year’s Halloween Party. It needs to look more evil and less happy though. Maybe nasty big pointy teeth?
Free Shipping February
I just launched a new promotion on the Tapestry Craft website yesterday: Free Shipping February! And despite the fact that our webserver decided to blow up for an hour this morning, we’re still going gangbusters. Why am I not being paid six figures for my marketing genius??