Month: March 2008

  • My last day…

    It’s my last day here at TC, and I’ve had some lovely messages from customers, staff, and friends. I even got some surprise presents!

    Cupcakes from Becca

    Flowers from zeph

    The cupcakes are homemade by Becca, and they’re very tasty! I immediately ate the “K”. The surprise flowers are from Zephyrama, who I’ve gotten to know through Ravelry. Sunflowers make a good day even better!

  • ROFLCon

    Ohhhh, man. If the Snook and I were on the East Coast (or if we suddenly won the lottery), we would SO be going to ROFLCon. XKCD! Group X! The lolcats guy! Leeroy Jenkins! Everyone who’s anyone on the Internets… EXCEPT FOR US. Darn it.

  • Famous Last Words

    The Snook directed me to this slideshow of Famous Last Words. “Scroll along to the ninth one,” he suggested. Hey, it’s Touchdown Jesus!

  • Vintage Knitting Box

    You know that scene in Amelie, where she finds the cigar box full of the young boy’s treasures? That happened to me today. While cleaning my desk, I discovered a box of knitting supplies that a customer had given me several months ago as a donation to the Guild. If I recall correctly, they had belonged to a relative who had passed away, and no one else in the family wanted them. I forgot about them til today. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened it up. I’ve put the photos up on Flickr.

  • Bag Lady Swap!

    Over on Ravelry, we’re coming to the end of our second “swap” in the Australian Knitters group. This time the theme was knitted/crocheted bags. Each person had to construct a bag for their recipient, and then ($30 budget permitting) send along some extra treats with it. My package was delivered to the shop yesterday, and my swapper was the awesome Tricia (who’s now travelling in the Middle East).

    Bag Swap Package Apron!

    Check it out! The bag is crocheted out of thick black wool and features a silky red lining with two snaps to keep it closed. It’s the perfect size to carry around a sock knitting project. Tricia also sent me two awesomely daggy 80’s Australian picture knitting books. (I didn’t know Liz Gemmell wrote one of those!) Not pictured is a bar of chocolate, which is currently chilling in my fridge. And that flowery black thing? Is a HOMEMADE VINTAGE APRON. I couldn’t believe it! Tricia made it herself (with some assistance from her Mum). The arms crossover in the back (behind my head), and it’s got two handy pockets on front. That means I now have THREE retro aprons… which I suppose officially equals a collection! Thanks again, Tricia. 🙂

    As for my own swap package, it’s 90% ready to be sent. I just ran out of stupid polyfill tonight so I’ve got to get some more tomorrow to finish something off…

  • Dogs and crochet don’t mix.

    Ahhh, Sydney. A customer in the shop just asked if she could bring her dog to a crochet class. “He’s really small,” she said, “and he’s hypo-allergenic!” Um, no.

  • Helicopters

    Huh. I always wondered if you really do need to duck when getting in and out of helicopters. Turns out you don’t, but it’s a pretty instinctive response when you’ve got big heavy whirly things over your head.

  • Milestones

    Milestones. Today officially marks one month of giving up Diet Coke. Today was also the first time I had two workouts in one day, running in the morning and swimming in the evening.

    I would’ve killed for a Diet Coke afterwards.

  • Peeps

    The Dreaded Peeps
    Amazingly, our new home has remained Peep-free for nearly five months. I don’t know how I escaped Easter, but I did! However, this weekend I found myself playing cultural anthropologist for the knitters over at Ravelry. Many of the non-Americans were confused by the sudden appearance of what appeared to be a canary-yellow swirl of poo over the Ravelry logo in the corner. (The site often adds holiday-appropriate flair to the logo.) I was able to step in and explain, “No, it isn’t poo; it’s a disgusting, vaguely bird-shaped piece of marshmallow that most Americans dislike but somehow got really trendy on the Internet in the past few years. They’re made of Evil.” There was much gratitude for clearing that up.