Month: March 2008

  • Peeps

    The Dreaded PeepsAmazingly, our new home has remained Peep-free for nearly five months. I don’t know how I escaped Easter, but I did! However, this weekend I found myself playing cultural anthropologist for the knitters over at Ravelry. Many of the non-Americans were confused by the sudden appearance of what appeared to be a canary-yellow…


  • How Not to Diet: We baked this cake last night. Oh, except we substituted pecans for the walnuts, so really our version is a “Caramel Pecan Upside-Down Banana Cake.” ZOMG. It is delicious. The recipe suggests that the caramel is too sweet though, and you may prefer the cake without it. I think that’s rubbish.…


  • RunningBlog

    Earlier this week I managed to catch my friend Nat (husband to Staci) on IM, and we chatted briefly about our training programs. (He’s doing a half-marathon about the same time as I am.) After hearing about his most recent “long run,” I felt inspired to push even farther myself. Yesterday I headed out on…


  • Wacky Knitting Links

    I’ve been stumbling across some wacky knitting-related links lately. First, Rob over at cockeyed has been magnifying knitting wool with this funny magnifying thing he got at a toy store. There’s a closeup view of some Noro in there! The second fun thing is this Design Exhibit in Norway, which features (down at the very…


  • Wow! It appears that Miss Fee and the Sock Victim are officially engaged. Congratulations you guys! It’s going to be one hell of a party…


  • The Easter Show

    I went to the Easter Show today with Bex, Emily, Fin, and several of their friends. We saw my award-winning jumper, and marvelled at the usual array of great big pumpkins. We tried to see the ducks dressed in human clothes, but the crowds were too big. We watched some woodchopping and ate some crap…


  • Cats = Healthy Hearts

    “‘Healthier hearts’ for cat owners.” According to this BBC article, the Snook and I are lowering our changes of a heart attack simply by having Dr. Amy Jones in the house.


  • Job Decisions

    Job Search: The AftermathWell, in the end I had one positive and one negative result. Hey, at least that makes the decision easy, right? Looks like I’ll be starting on the 31st of March. The company is called Mobile Messenger, and it’s definitely a straight IT coding role (as opposed to what I do here).…


  • Sweater Day

    Crap. I just found out from MetaFilter that March 20 is supposed to be “Sweater Day” in honor of Mr. Rogers, and that Mr. McFeely wants everyone to wear their favorite sweater on that day. The first problem, of course, is that it’s already March 20th here. So I missed out. And secondly… IT’S NOT…


  • Katie Holmes

    Sometimes the Snook and I share a brain, and it’s scary. The other night I went to the grocery store (by myself), and while I waited in line I had an epiphany. I rushed home to tell him. Me: I think I’m going to get my hair cut short again. And I know exactly how…
