Month: April 2008

  • Newborn FTW

    Indie FTW
    My sister just had her first day alone with the new baby… and Indie broke her within one hour. Yikes. I feel really bad that I can’t do anything to help. At the same time, though, I’m really grateful that she’s giving us the warts-and-all look at life with a newborn. (Which reminds me, it’s time for my next Depo Provera shot.)

  • Engineer’s Guide to Cats

    An Engineer’s Guide to Cats. Another video link? What is WRONG with me? In my defense, that little movie is highly amusing. I especially enjoyed the section on “cat-yodeling,” which I’m going to have to try out with Dr. Amy Jones today. (Link courtesy of Christopher.)

  • Beer Bath

    While I’m sure that the Snook would LOVE to take a bath in beer, I can’t help but wonder if it wouldn’t be bad for the ladies. I mean, lukewarm unpasteurized beer with active yeast? Seems like a recipe for all sorts of, uh, unpleasantness.

  • White Noise

    Aussies: Can any of you recommend a white noise machine? It’s odd; despite our bedroom being farther from the street in the new house, I get woken up by noise a LOT more than I used to. (I think it’s because we have a window now, and the sound bounces off the outside wall of the old place.) During the summer it wasn’t so bad because we kept a fan running, but I’d prefer not to do that in winter. Any suggestions?

    Also, nothing makes you feel older than bitching and griping about the sound of the neighbours’ party — and then realising it’s only 9:30pm. On a Saturday night. Which is a perfectly reasonable time to be having a party. A party that sounds pretty fun, actually. Grumble, grumble, grumble…

  • Bit my guts out!

    “Crocodile came up, bit my guts out!”
    I know I don’t usually do YouTube links, but you guys HAVE to watch this insurance commercial currently airing on Australian TV. It’s my favorite and it makes me laugh and laugh. It’s little kids telling stories about being eaten by monsters. And I don’t know who that third kid is, but he needs his own show now.

  • RunningBlog

    (Actually, it’s more like “StomachBlog” at this point.) After a series of some pretty good runs last week, I went out for my 10K on Sunday and it completely SUCKED. Within five minutes, the right side of my lower back was seizing up and throbbing with every step. I still managed to do 9K, but only by stopping every five minutes to attempt to stretch it out. It killed. I immediately fired off an email to my physio, who scheduled me in for an appointment Wednesday night. When I got there, I gave him an update about my stomach ulcer and he immediately tied the two together. According to him, my body is probably “in a state of inflammation,” and he didn’t want do any serious massage for fear of making it worse. He did work into my sides a bit (above my hips), which was incredibly tense and painful. Oddly, releasing that tension made me feel better (in my stomach) almost immediately. He says they’re my “worry” muscles, and tensing them (from stress or from pain) might be contributing to the lower back pain. I went out for a slow 5K this morning, and the change was really noticeable. I did feel a bit sluggish through the last mile, but at least I didn’t have to stop and stretch at every light pole. Two steps forward, one step back…

  • 12 Days

    We’re up to 12 days of rain. On the upside, I do like the photo accompanying this story. Can you spot the Harbour Bridge?

  • Philly Curse

    Heh. Dan Carbo will appreciate this. Kevin puts the blame for Obama’s loss in the Pennsylvania Primary yesterday squarely on Philadelphia. Why? Because “the City of Brotherly Love broke from the rest of the state and went 2-1 for Obama. And, as every sports fan knows, Philly always loses despite themselves. You can’t fight the curse.” HA!

  • Eleven.

    Eleven. Eleven days of rain in a row. I woke up at 6am this morning to go out for my run… and heard the rain pouring down outside the window. Ugh. I just couldn’t do it.

  • Male Logic

    Male Logic
    Me: You think you got problems?
    I just went to the bathroom… and discovered a big black smudge on the end of my nose!
    I must have got some ink on it or something.
    I looked like a clown.
    Oooh, I know what it was from!
    It was from the texta the barista used on the lid of my coffee; that must’ve been it.
    And i could’ve been that way for, like, an hour.
    Snookums: You need to go to the bathroom more often, then you’ll notice sooner.