How to Make an Anatomically-Correct Brain Cake. Very nice, but I think I’ll be sticking with my brain panna cotta this year.
Month: April 2008
Yowch. My partner Karen and I just played our first game of the foosball competition here at work… and we got SPANKED 10-0. Of course, we were playing against the top seeds. We’ll get better.
I had a great long run today. I set the iPod workout to 100 minutes and headed off towards Centennial Park. I was doing 4 minutes running / 1 minute walking, and that seemed to work pretty well. I managed two full laps around the park before heading home, which ended up being nearly 14km in total. (Hey, that’s 2/3 of the distance of the half-marathon! I’m nearly there.) The real improvement was in my hydration level. I started drinking water the night before and kept it up throughout the morning today, and on the run I hit every water fountain in the park. It was GREAT! I really only felt dry and thirsty in the last twenty minutes (when I was farthest from a fountain). My legs felt pretty good while I was running – no injuries to report – but by the end, I could tell I’d be sore and hurting afterwards. I’ll take a day or two to rest and recover…
Female G-G
Wow, we’re getting a female governor-general! Pretty sweet. That Kevin is on a tear these days, I tell you.
Noro Kureyon Sock
I spent a couple hours back at the shop today putting some new yarns up on the website. We finally got the long-awaited Noro Kureyon Sock yarn! And according to the discussion on Ravelry, the price is pretty competitive…
Oh man. When did Television Without Pity change layouts again? It’s AWFUL. There are crazy huge images in your face everywhere, and you can’t see what reviews are new without scrolling down. They seem to have done away with the drop-down nav menus too, which means you can’t go straight to a show or forum anymore (artifially inflating pageviews). It sucks.
Oh, wait! I just discovered that you can go straight to shows and forums; they’re just hidden in a stupid huge javascript rollover menu. What was wrong with the old version? The rotting yet beloved corpse of Dawson’s Wrap must be spinning in its grave…
Five minutes later: Ahhhh. The founders left the site last month. That explains it. I went to Sars’s site to see if there was any word from her. Nothing but a link to a forum post that’s already since been erased. Wow, I’ve been reading that site for more than ten years and suddenly it’s just… gone. That sucks.
Wait Wait
Oh! I forgot to tell you about my other new podcast obsession: Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me (the NPR news quiz). At first I was a little annoyed by the smug liberal intellectualness of it (I’m a self-loathing smug liberal intellectual), but I was won over by the fact that it’s the FUNNIEST THING EVER. Tonight I made the Snook listen to an episode from February when one of the “fake” news stories was about women in Fort Wayne, Indiana who had an irrational fear that dingoes would eat their babies. Good stuff.
A cure for bedhead?
Taking a shower at night instead of in the morning: what do I do about my crazy morning hair? That’s another one of those AskMeFi questions that I could have written.
Indie Marie Carbo
As she did with Penn, my sister has put her Photoshop skills to work creating a suitable birth announcement for my new niece. Presenting… Indie Marie Carbo!