Woohoo! I just had my three-month performance review at work, and I rocked it. I felt like things were going really well, but you know me: I stress. It’s good to get some positive feedback and know that my efforts have been appreciated. There may be some big things in the pipeline too… but I don’t want to jinx anything.
Month: July 2008
Rock-afire Explosion!
Holy crap. Somebody is selling a complete Rock-afire Explosion in working order over on Ebay! I had my 8th birthday at Showbiz Pizza, and it was so awesome. If I had this, I could relive it in my basement EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!
(Except I don’t have a basement. And I don’t have $14,000. And I live in Australia.)
Survival of the Sudsiest
Survival of the Sudsiest. Apparently modern society owes a lot of its existence to beer drinkers. The aside about alcoholism in Native American and Aboriginal communities is pretty fascinating. I have to wonder, though, how Johnson’s book accounts for the inability of many Asians to digest alcohol. Wouldn’t that have been selected against? I guess I’ll have to look out for the book. (Link courtesy of Daring Fireball.)
Of hillbillies
I was just reading this AskMetaFilter question, in which a non-American asks whether “hillbillies” really do still exist. In the course of the comments, someone points to this story of a trailer-dwelling woman in Georgia who spoke at a recent Obama event. It nearly made me cry. These are good, hard-working folks, and they’re doing it really tough right now. And I really wish that those of you forwarding racist jokes about Obama (yeah, I still receive them occasionally) would READ IT. Things are broken right now, and they need to be fixed.
Schrödinger’s cat thing
Schrödinger’s cat was probably nicer than mine. I do love a good cat comic! Especially one with five randomly chosen endings.
Sunday Roast
Me: “Nicole Kidman had her baby and they named it Sunday Rose.”
Snook: “Sunday ROAST?!”Poor kid’s going to get that reaction her whole life.
Plumber Recommendations? Can any of you Sydneysiders recommend a good plumber? We’re probably getting gas installed at the house and we need a plumber to run all the connections. I’ve got one recommended to us by the Strata Manager but I’d like to get a couple quotes first.
The Peanuts Gang
Someone speculates on what happened when the Peanuts gang grew up… I thought that was pretty neat. I wish he’d included Sally and Marcie though.
Sports Bra Heart Rate Monitor
Wow. It’s a sports bra with a built-in heart rate monitor! That’s so tomorrow.