Bex says that the next time I enter a race, she’s going to be holding up the first sign. It’s great to get encouragement from your friends.
Month: July 2008
Radioactive Girl
Radioactive Girl
In the continuing Saga of Kris’s Stomach… now my doctor thinks it might possibly NOT be my stomach. Apparently if your gall bladder is malfunctioning, it can present as ulcer-like pain. Interesting. So in 14 hours, I’m having a HIDA scan. I’m going to get injected with radioactive dye (!!!) and then scanned to see if there are any problems. Fun, huh? Worst case scenario: They don’t find anything and the mystery continues. Best case scenario: My gallbladder is at fault; I have surgery to get it removed; I’m all better; and I get super powers from the radioactivity! I’m kinda looking forward to it.