See you at the Debates, bitches! Oh man. For two minutes there, I actually LIKED Paris Hilton. That is too, too funny. For those who don’t get it, John McCain released a campaign ad recently which compared Obama to Paris Hilton, trying to show that he’s all celebrity with no substance. So she put out her own ad in response, which features her making an honest-to-god policy suggestion. Whichever of her handlers convinced her to do that is a genius. (Link courtesy of Max, which is where I sent you.)
Month: August 2008
How Google Works
How a Google query works. That’s pretty neat. I had no idea so many individual machines were involved in performing just a simple search.
Is pizza a sandwich?
Is pizza a sandwich? No, no, a hundred times no!
Back in L.A.
Back in L.A. That’s EIGHT flights so far in two weeks. Only one more to go, and it’s the one I’m looking forward to most of all…
Stephenie Meyer
It appears I am not the only person addicted to vampire smut.
LED Baby Booties
LED Baby Booties. Those are too cute!
Back Home Again in Indiana
Well, I made it to Indiana. I caught the red-eye from LA to Chicago at 11pm Friday night, and I landed in South Bend six hours later. As expected, I’m pretty wiped out. Today we had a big cookout at my Mom’s house and I got to meet my new nephew Isaiah. He’s a cutie! I’ll have pictures. Tomorrow we’re doing the same thing over at my Dad’s. I also got to go for a run tonight with my Mom, who was calibrating her new Nike+ system. We’ve already got a distance challenge set up!
Wildlife Survey
David Attenborough is alarmed because half of British kids can’t identify some common plants and animals. I took the quiz myself (there’s a link to the popup on that article) and – sorry, David – I SUCKED. I’ll hide the rest of my comments in case you want to try it yourself.Okay, first off, the British obviously use “Daddy Long Legs” for a completely different thing that the Americans do. Since when do they have WINGS? Yeah, that’s a totally different thing so I don’t feel bad for not knowing it.
Some of them I overthought a bit, like “elk” instead of just “deer.”
I’m terrible with plants. Really, just terrible. Couldn’t get any of them.
And ewwww, was that otter just about to eat a rat? Nasty.
Mummy Dogs
Mummy Dogs. We are soooo making those for Halloween this year. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)