Month: October 2008

  • Wassup 2008

    Wassup 2008. Okay, sorry Ron Howard, but I think this one just stole your thunder! The original “Wassssuuupp?” guys from the Budweiser ad reunite for a new one. I thought it was just funny at first… but the last ten seconds genuinely made me choke up. (Link courtesy of Links.)

  • Time Off to Vote

    Time Off to Vote for Employees — A State by State Survey. My Australian co-workers could not BELIEVE that the US holds elections on a Tuesday. “What if your boss doesn’t let you out to vote?!” I really like having them on a Saturday here.

  • Darth Poodle

    How to make Star Wars Halloween costumes for dogs. BRILLIANT! The Pomeranian-as-Ewok is my favorite.

  • Peter Sagal

    I discovered earlier this week that Peter Sagal has a blog! I love him on Wait Wait…. The only weird thing is finally seeing what he looks like. Somehow, in my head, I pictured him as looking just like Alton Brown. (I think it’s because they have similar accents.) Needless to say, he doesn’t.

  • The Democrat Gene

    More Politics
    I was feeling a little depressed and alienated this morning, wondering if all my Indiana relatives are resentful of my interest in the election. Then I called my Grandma. Holy crap! If Indiana goes Democrat this year, you have my Grandma Veva to thank for it. “George Bush has RUINED THIS COUNTRY over the past 8 years,” she told me. “I wouldn’t vote for John McCain if he was all there was!” We talked about how she’d been a big Hilary supporter and she was disappointed that Hilary didn’t get the VP nod, but the fact that HRC was campaigning for Obama convinced her to get behind him. We talked about how if he did win, the Republicans would probably try to get votes invalidated. (“Dirty tricks!” she called it.) We talked about people we knew who’d been swayed by emails calling Obama the Antichrist. (She tells them that if it’s God’s will that Obama gets elected, “nothing can stop it!” I thought that was neat way of turning the evangelical argument on its head.)

    Anyway, yeah, you may well be tired of hearing me bang on this particular drum. I’d ask you to please just respect that some of us are genuinely optimistic about this election, and we genuinely believe we stand at a huge crossroads. After eight years of feeling let down by the electorate, I actually feel hopeful. And if you feel like my posting about Obama is somehow a personal attack on you, well, I’d suggest you just take this site off your bookmarks for the next couple of weeks. I’ll understand.

    I’m just happy to be reminded that I’m not an outlier, that my liberalism and passion do run in the family. I come by it honest.

  • Race Photos

    Official Race Photos
    Hooray! I just got an email telling me to check the Race Photos from the Half-Marathon again. I looked before but there weren’t any of me, but now there are THREE! I’ll saved them here for posterity.Starting Line
    Here I am just after passing the starting line. I feel like it should be captioned, “SERIOUS RUNNER IS FEELING SERIOUS.” It was just starting to hit me that I was going to have to run 21km without my iPod.

    The crowd around me has really thinned out here, so it must be on the second half. I must have also been feeling kooky, as evidenced by the thumbs and the wacky grin.

    Finish line
    And here’s me and Pinky/Donna running up to the finish line!


    Thanks to the amazing Fiona and her mad sewing skillz, my Halloween costume is now completely finished! The Snook’s is finished as well. The invitations have been sent out, and I’m chasing people up for RSVPs. Now we’re just finalizing the menu. OH! AND I GOT A PUMPKIN! A real orange one. I had a brainwave and went to Paddy’s Market this morning to check the veggie stalls. Tucked away in the very last corner, I found a single big round orange pumpkin. The stall holder told me they were $4/kilo, and it worked out to $15.50. DONE! She said they’d had several that morning, but this was the very last one. HOORAY! I’ll be carvin’ a pumpkin this week…

  • I love Ron Howard.

    I love Ron Howard. I mean, yeah, I love my Dad Ron Howard, but I also love “Opie” Ron Howard. He, Henry Winkler, and Andy Griffiths think you should vote for Obama, and so they made a video about it. It’s quite possibly the most awesome video on the Internet.

    Also, the New York Times officially endorses Obama.

  • Willow is pregnant!

    Willow is pregnant! And I totally just screamed when I realized that her husband is WESLEY, which I already knew but had somehow forgotten. Willow is having Wesley’s baby. So weird.

  • Sock Monkey Says NO on Prop 8!

    Sock Monkey says NO on Prop 8! They’re using my Gay Sock Monkey Cowboy images but that’s fine by me. I only wish I’d thought of it myself!