For the Snook: Ozzy Osbourne’s World of Warcraft commercial.
Month: November 2008
The first Twilight reviews are starting to trickle in…
Edited to add: Snookums just pointed me to this list of six excuses grownups can use for going to see Twilight this weekend. I think Jenny‘s definitely going for #6. Me, I don’t really have any big desire to see it. Robert Pattinson doesn’t really do it for me. If anything, I’m only curious as to how it translated from the book… which was trash. Swoony, over-the-top, ridiculous teenage trash.
Happy Anniversary
Four years ago today two silly kids went to Vegas, met Elvis, and got married in a Little White Wedding Chapel.
And I’d do it all over again.
Gmail themes
Gmail themes
I logged into Gmail this morning and noticed that things looked different. Then a message popped up telling me to check out the new Themes tab. Holy crap! That’s awesome! I’m rockin’ the Desk theme right now. It appears that some of them actually change throughout the day to reflect the weather in your location. Sooooo cool! (Note: It appears they’re rolling this out slowly. Snookums doesn’t have it on his account yet, nor does anybody else in my office.)Edited to add: The Gmail blog has more info and pictures of the themes.
Five Quick Physics Lesson for Obama
Five Quick Physics Lessons for Obama. On hand, neat! I didn’t know that nuclear bombs were so hard to make, nor that the problem of storing nuclear waste had been effectively solved. On the other hand, some of these are pretty depressing. No hydrogen cars? No more manned space travel? Inevitable global warming? Crap.
Stuff White People Like: Halloween. I’ll admit it made me CRINGE. That’s so, so us.
“The New Coop de Ville: The craze for urban poultry farming.” When I went to pick up our veggie box last week, I asked Michael (of Sustainable House fame) whether he kept chickens. He did! He showed me them clucking away in the narrow strip of space alongside the house. He was actually chucking veggie scraps to them straight out the kitchen window! I confessed that I had long been fascinated by Rentachook, which is where he gets his from. Snookums and his mother have tried many times to talk me out of this wild idea. I know that they’re tiny dinosaurs and that I’m afraid to touch them. I know that they pretty stupid as far as pets go. I know that they’ll poop all over and dig up the garden. I can’t help it – I still think it’s such a cool idea!
I bought two adorable new sundresses on Sunday afternoon. Therefore it’s been raining ever since.
Peanut Butter Buckeye Bars
Peanut Butter Buckeye Bars. *droooool*
Gardening for Victory
I need to make a sign like this for my garden.