It’s over! It really happened! And WHOA, Obama is suddenly AHEAD IN INDIANA. I’m starting to get teary.
Three hours later: Good grief. Still waiting on final results from Indiana. But with more than 99% reported… we’ve so got it. I’m so proud. I have to call my Grandma.
Five hours later: Well, CNN may not have called it, but did. INDIANA GOES DEMOCRAFT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 44 YEARS! I wouldn’t have guessed it at all. I was telling people all day that I considered it a moral victory just that it wasn’t a blowout. (After all, Bush did carry the state by 20 points in 2004.) I’m so happy to be wrong, and I’m so, so proud to have been part of this. It would’ve been easy not to bother this year. It was tempting to say, “My vote won’t count anyway.” The cynical voice in my head told me that absentee ballots are rarely matter. But you know what? 23,000 of us Hoosiers made the difference. We did it. Way to go, everybody! Somewhere my great-grandpa Tony is smiling.