Month: January 2009

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    is so hot. Melting. Sweating.

    @crumpet The thermometer on my keychain is reading about 10 degrees higher! Sitting in a treeless field sucks.

    is relieved that the heat has broken. It’s actually quite pleasant now! There are now 10 of us knitting away…

    Sluts, whores, and murderous clowns… Just another night at the opera.

  • It has started.

    moblogged image

    Snookums arrived at the 8-hour mark with the needed provisions (beer and pants). We ended up with 14 people in total, despite a LOT of pikers!

  • Knitting Camp at the Opera

    moblogged image

    Andrew, Tia and I have set up camp in the Domain! It’s sweltering. We are cowering in the shade.

  • Opera in the Domain

    It’s time for Opera in the Domain again! I’m getting packed to head out and sit in a treeless park all day long with a bunch of knitters. Current temperature: about 80F, set to rise even further. I’m prepared.

  • Lilly Ledbetter and Michelle Obama

    Remember when I blogged about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? The bill has been passed and Obama has signed it. I just found video of Michelle Obama introducing Lilly at a reception after the signing. I just love it. Lilly sounds like my Grandma. I teared up a little bit.

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    is contemplating lunch.

    feels like a lucky contractor who got laid off from the Death Star right before the Rebels blew it up. Ah, schadenfreude.

    is playing in the work Guitar Hero comp. Tech Team is doing well after two rounds. Next up: Are You Gonna Go My Way. Oh bless us, Lenny.

    is VICTORIOUS! Tech Team finished 1st in rounds, then won finals with Sweet Home Alabama (my specialty). I am the Hermione of Bass Guitar.

    heading to Broadway to see if they have a tent I can take with me to the Opera today. Yes, a tent. To the Opera. It makes perfect sense.

  • Another payout.

    Yikes. Uh, I don’t work there.

  • iPhone Rubik’s Cube Solver

    iPhone Rubik’s Cube Solver. That is so NEAT! And I don’t mean because it allows you to “cheat” on the puzzle. I’m just in awe of the computational wizardry involved in taking six pictures of colored squares, extrapolating a 3D shape from that, applying an algorithm to solve the thing, and feeding it back to the person in simple steps. SO TOMORROW!

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    “Single Ladies (In Mayberry)” may well be the best mash-up OF ALL TIME.

    Officially the sexiest thing to say to your missus: “Oh, I already took out the cat litter…” HUSBAND WIN.

    @henrytapia Trust me. 1. Find icky chore she doesn’t want to do. 2. Do it without being asked. 3. Profit. 😉

  • Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

    Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. I think I might need to get that. It can’t be any worse than Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife.