Whoa! Snookums just discovered that there’s going to be an Office Space 10th annivesary reunion next month in Austin.
Month: January 2009
Inaugural Word Clouds
Word Clouds: The Inaugural Address. That’s kind of neat. I think FDR’s is my favorite.
And my axe!
My absolute favorite response from the big Metafilter thread about the inauguration was Hugh2d2’s response to Obama’s speech:
Congratulations, Mr. President. You have my axe!
I’m going to start using “And my axe!” whenever anybody asks for help with something.
Cheney as Mr. Potter
Cheney turns into Mr. Potter. Sooo right, and too funny.
Six hours to go…
Only six more hours to go… Unfortunately I think the chances of yours truly getting up at 3:30am to watch – even for this historic event – are pretty slim. Obama’s speech will have to wait til I’m having my breakfast.
Mr Darcy plays Guitar Hero.
Mr Darcy has his first attempt at Guitar Hero. Seriously. And he’s just about as sucky as we were on our first go. “You have to hit it before you hit it, right?” Yep.
The Game
“The Game”, an article about a real-life scavenger hunt inspired by the film Midnight Madness that went terribly wrong. I found a copy of the movie years ago, and I actually participated in a real-life version at Notre Dame my senior year. Of course, we were just running around in bowling alleys and stuff, not scuba diving or falling down mine shafts.
Rockin’ Out
Andrew posted a couple nice photographs (I think that last one is me) from our group Guitar Hero session on Saturday night.
Sydney’s Best Ramen
Grab Your Fork lists Sydney’s Top 15 Ramen Restaurants, as ranked by a Japanese restaurants. Of that list, I’ve only been to #5, Ichi Ban Boshi. Must get on that.
Update: Correction! Helen had mistranslated the article. It’s actually Sydney’s top 15 ramen DISHES. The text about each dish has been added to the article.
Na Craga
For those following along at home, Na Craga is off the needles! Well, the front and back anyway. I still have to knit two sleeves and sew it all together. *sigh*