Hooray! I finally got my number ported over to Optus so I can use my iPhone to actually, you know, make phone calls. About time! (Allphones Broadway suuuuck. The Snook got fed up with waiting and called Optus himself today, only to be told that they still had our incorrect account number. The Allphones guy had promised me he called in the correct one last Friday. Snookums gave them the right number, and an hour later I had service.) Anyway, it’s the same phone number so you can reach me there!
Month: January 2009
Bus Frustrations
Bus Frustrations: Last month when I went to my job interview, I boarded a 461 bus at Broadway heading into the city. I figured I’d have to walk the several blocks from Town Hall where it terminates over to William Street. Instead the bus driver informed me that the 461 now turned up Park Street to the Domain, meaning it stopped right by the new place! This was great news. I verified on the fancy new printed bus stop sign that the 461, 480, and 483 all used the new route. On my first official workday two weeks ago, I happily flagged down a 461 only to notice “Town Hall” still listed as its destination. Hm. It terminated there and I had to walk. The next day was the same. I went to the website to see what the heck had happened, only to find this cryptic notice that the new route has been suspended “indefinitely.” Last week I finally got mad enough to send them a complaint.
“Can you please advise WHY the 461, 480, and 483 buses no longer travel on to the Domain? … I looked it up on the site and I can see the notice. Are there any plans to reinstate the route? Why extend it for such a short period of time, print it on all the bus stop signage, and then stop service??”
I finally got a reply back today.
“These services have been temporarily curtailed from going to THE DOMAIN due to a safety concern by the bus union. They will terminate at Town /Hall. Sydney Buses is attempting to resolve this matter as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.”
Interestingly, this all but confirms the rumour I heard over the weekend that the drivers were complaining about junkies hassling them on College Street. But hello, all the Eastern Suburbs buses go that way too! Why the sudden safety concerns for drivers just on these three lines? It’s really annoying.
Whoa. AskMeFi goes Hitchcock! “Is my husband trying to kill me?” She certainly makes a pretty convincing case for it. Of course, hundreds of people are chiming in that she’s probably just paranoid and should see a therapist, which is good advice. But man, yeah, if the Snook suddenly suggested we get large life insurance policies and then go sailing and hiking in sparsely populated areas, I’d be creeped out too!
Environmental Activism at work!
Moorgate Street Macadamia!
Last Monday I headed over to Michael‘s to pick up our veggie box and we got to talking about the neighborhood’s “food for the future” plan. There are lots of new fruit trees and vegetables and herbs over near Myrtle Street, but so far none over on Moorgate. Michael mentioned that he still had a macadamia tree that needed planting, and did I know of a spot? That night I sent him a photo of this bare spot in the sidewalk, where a previous tree had been damaged and dug up by the Council. “Perfect,” he said. “Come by Friday night and we’ll plant your tree.” So we did! He and I set to work with shovels and a pickaxe. (“Wow, so the Council gives you permission to bust up the footpath if necessary?” “Um… Let’s just be quick about it.”) We actually met like half a dozen neighbours in the course of the planting, all of whom thought it was a great idea and pledged to help with watering. Michael let me do the honours of actually planting the macadamia. He suggested we should add some more plants and perhaps a sign to make it look planned and cared for, which should hopefully reduce the chance of somebody vandalizing it. Today, the Snook and I added mint and parsley near the base along with a sign that I painted. (“FREE HERBS – Please leave some 4 others… and help water!”) I think it looks really cute! I hope the rest of the street likes it. -
Murderer still on the loose!
Hey, remember the murderer that nearly ruined our trip to Dubbo three years ago? He’s still on the lam and has been breaking into people’s houses to steal equipment! CREEPY.
Prof Death n Dr Jonz
Thanks to the Guitar Hero: World Tour community website, you can now see stats for our band, Prof Death n Dr Jonz. (Just click on the band tab.)
Top 10 Bush Moments
Letterman’s Top 10 George W. Bush Moments. Only five more days… (Link courtesy of Daring Fireball.)
Our new President
Our new President. I’m hoping to score the Spider-Man with his picture on it today too…
Update: Damn. The Snook and I stood for twenty minutes outside in 90-degree heat waiting for Kings Comics to open this morning, only to be told that all the special Obama cover variant issues had already been pre-sold to their standing order customers. Apparently Marvel will be doing a second printing next week that all have the special cover. So I’ve got to wait.
Earlier this week an email went around the office announcing that the weekly gym sessions would be starting up again. Huh? It turns out that the company pays for an employee circuit training session every Wednesday afternoon at a local boxing gym around the corner. Neat! Not wanting to be the conspicuously absent new girl, I packed my gym gear this morning and tried to look like I knew what I was doing. At 1:15 about half a dozen of us walked over to Spudds Gym on Crown Street. It’s a tiny terrace that has been converted into a WORKSHOP OF HORROR. “Spudds” (aka Mark Carroll) is the proprietor, and I soon found out that he was a former Rugby League star (and afterwards bodyguard to Russell Crowe!). Spudds started me on a bike in the “hot room.” This tiny room at the back of the gym actually had heaters running to make you sweat MORE. Every couple of minutes we rotated through the equipment, each of us eventually taking a turn in the ring throwing punches at Spudds’s pads. Then we had to run around the block. Then we had to do it all AGAIN. By this point I was feeling… not great. Yeah, I’m not in peak shape at the moment, but even when I was my abilities were better suited to endurance than short bursts of power. So when we started the third circuit, I hit a wall. I was supposed to be doing squats with weights in my arms while balancing precariously on half a medicine ball. (No, really.) Suddenly my legs started shaking, and I felt like I was going to faint or puke or cry (or all three). I grabbed my water bottle and waved at Spudds. “Need… air…” I gasped. I stumbled out the door and down the street towards the East Sydney Hotel. I really felt awful, dizzy and shaky. I knew I should walk but I just couldn’t. I sank to the pavement and leaned back against the hotel wall. I sipped my water and tried to get my breathing back. A few minutes later, the fog finally lifted and I could think straight again. I walked back to the gym and offered an apology to Spudds. “Hey,” he said, “you’re doin’ great! Now give me a 100 sit-ups.” So I pulled out my mat, sat myself down, and did the best I could. I guess that’s the best you can offer, right? It’ll be easier next week.