One for the Snook: Crossword Puzzle Apartment Building. There are clues located all over the city, and at night the answers are illuminated. Neat!
Month: January 2009
Cricket Substitutions
Substitution in Cricket. I’ve been confused by the match Australia are currently playing against South Africa, as one of the SA players got struck on the hand and had to retire injured in the first inning. I assumed that somebody would bat for him in the second innings, right? I mean, the guy got his hand BROKEN. But no! Substitutions are only allowed in the field, and the new player can’t bat or bowl or act as wicket-keeper. How odd. Seems a little unfair that a single bit of bad luck can keep a team a man down for the rest of the match.
Deep. Fried. Cupcakes.
Deep. Fried. Cupcakes. O brave new world world that has such wonders in it!
First Day at the new job..
Thanks to everybody who wished me luck on my first day at the new job. It went GREAT! Everybody is really cool and friendly, and I’m excited about the stuff I’ll be working on. Staying in the same industry is a big help. It was a huge confidence boost to be able to come in, know exactly what they’re talking about, and be able to contribute right from the get-go.
Twilight versus Lost Boys
Twilight versus Lost Boys
This past Friday, one of the arguments that the girls were giving me for Twilight‘s suckitude was that “Lost Boys was so much better!” Really? Because all I remember was Kiefer dangling from a bridge with his lame vampire gang, Dianne Wiest being super stupid and annoying, Corey Feldman having a ridiculous accent, that weird song with the chanting children, and that scene where Corey Haim is singing in the bathtub and his dog saves him from being eaten by a scenery-chewing Jason Patric. And those are hardly Cinematic Highlights For the Ages. Anyway, we may have to put it to the test considering that Popcorn Taxi is screening Lost Boys with a Corey Feldman Q&A on January 21st. (Good grief. Do you realize that movie is 21-YEARS-OLD??) -
How to Freeze Greens
How to Freeze Greens (like Spinach, Collards, Kale and Swiss Chard). We got a big bundle of Swiss Chard in last night’s food box, so I’ll probably be trying out this technique tonight. I’ve also got quite a few cucumbers to use up. Anybody have a foolproof recipe for sun dills? (First link courtesy of not martha.)
Unwanted Kittens
Unwanted Kittens. Apparently the NSW RSPCA are putting down 10 unwanted kittens a day this Christmas season. I’m glad that we (and Fiona and the S.V.) were able to save Petey and his brothers from meeting a similar fate, but I’m also pissed that his mother was obviously not desexed by her irresponsible IDIOT owner.
Twilight: The Puppet Saga
Twilight: The Puppet Saga. I think most people will agree this is a big improvement on the original. (Though not cousin Jenny!)
Petey Update: Isn’t he a gorgeous boy?
This week Petey saw the vet and got his microchip inserted, which means he’s officially OURS. (Snookums insisted I register his name as “Professor Death,” which was slightly embarrassing.) He’s already much healthier than he was three weeks ago! His coat is getting shiny, and he looks a lot less starved. The huge improvement has been in his sociability. He’s gone from being very nervous and skittish to being incredibly affectionate and sweet. He loves to be petted and scratched. He’s even letting us hold him and pick him up!
We kept him sequestered in the laundry room for the first few days, but we soon gave in and let him have the run of the house. It’s been hilarious watching his interactions with Amy. Since he’s too small to be a threat, her main reaction seems to be one of SUPREME EFFING ANNOYANCE. He keeps trying to make friends, and she mostly rebuffs him and stomps away. I nearly made her head explode last night when I put down a big bowl of kitten milk, and she was torn between the urge to flee and the greedy desire to slurp it up beside him like the little piggy that she is. (Her pride won out. She gave me a dirty look and slunk away like a sullen teenager.) Progress is happening though. I’ve seen them touch noses once or twice, and the past two mornings we’ve woken to the sounds of cats chasing each other up and down the house. (Which is awesome, considering that one of the main reasons we wanted another cat was to give her exercise.) He’s just this stubborn little brother, wearing down her resistance. Yesterday morning she was lying on the floor in my office when he crept in and stretched out beside her. I immediately snapped a photo before she remembered that she hates him. Score one for Petey!