Month: February 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @greggrunberg YOWZA! (From Down Under.)

    has just picked a metric ass-ton of fresh basil from the garden. My hands smell So. Damn. Good. The Snook is pestifyin’ at this very moment.

    @randomknits I don’t normally watch it, but I caught a few minutes. What did Em think about that weird “Forever” person??

    is trying to decide if the fun of impressing my Dad is worth paying, like, $80 for Cheech & Chong tickets.

  • Easter Show FAIL

    Entries for this year’s Easter Show Arts Competitions are meant to be lodged online by 5pm tomorrow. So of course, I left it til the last minute… and now I’m starin’ at this. MICROSOFT FAIL! I hope they fix it by tomorrow.

    14 Hours Later: It’s fixed! And my entry has been lodged. Phew.

  • A Story in Pictures

    A Story in Pictures. Photos of two of the most important women’s-related bill-signings in recent years. Can you spot the difference?