Month: February 2009

  • Kris Howard, Rugby Star

    Best. Workout. Ever. I had a GREAT session at Spudds today. We started off doing the normal gym circuit: treadmill, bike, elliptical, boxing, jumprope, weights, climbing machine. My legs and hips were pretty tight from my long run on Sunday, so I didn’t feel great at first. But I quickly noticed that I was starting to feel strong, especially in the boxing. Spudds said it was my best boxing round yet. Then instead of making us run around the block and do the circuit again… we went to the park! It was a beautiful day. We took a couple rugby balls, and Spudds had us start out doing catching drills in a circle. Then it was the dreaded “suicides.” (That’s what we used to call ’em in Indiana.) You know, the thing where you run to the first line, touch it, run back, then run out to the next line, each time going a little bit farther? Yeah, that kinda sucked. Especially when he made us do squats at each line. Then finally it was time for some fun. We divided into teams and started kicking the balls back and forth. I immediately flashed back to every horrible school gym football experience and braced myself for the inevitable embarrassment. But you know what? I was fine! Spudds showed me how to do a drop-kick, and I managed to get 90% of mine up in the air to the other team. I even managed to catch most of the ones that were kicked to me. It ended up being so much more fun than I’d expected. I’m so glad we did it. It’s such a confidence boost to find out you can do things you didn’t know you could.

  • Dia de los Muertos Necklace

    This is the last of the three necklaces I bought in the Etsy Bushfire Appeal Shop two weeks ago. This one is from TangledAndShackled.

    The first photo is me this morning; the second one is from the seller. The pendant is hand-made from shrinky-dink plastic; I assume that means she painted it herself. It’s strung with seed beads and some other funky crystals. I bought it thinking that it was ugly but that I loved it anyway. It’s fun!

  • Chocolate Fanatics

    100 Best Websites for Chocolate Fanatics. They linked to my Dahl site down there at #94. Neat!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @gadgetgirl70 YES. And bonus: Katie Holmes isn’t in this one! Win-win.

    realized this morning that going to work doesn’t depress me anymore. Will prob wear off eventually, but it’s such a nice change.

    just got back from vet where Petey got his last shot. He did NOT want to go. Poor Snookums’s bloody knuckles were the required sacrifice.

    Just completed a 3.01 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    @tim0th We had them too! Except I half-burnt them.

    really needs to listen to more TMBG at work. Use cases practically write themselves when you’re bopping to The Statue Got Me High.

  • The Swallow’s Treasure

    This is the second of the three necklaces I bought in the Etsy Bushfire Appeal Shop two weeks ago. (Here’s the first one.) This one is called “The Swallow’s Treasure” and it’s from Eclectic Moi. It’s not the type of thing I normally go for, yet for some reason the little bird really appealed to me.

    The first photo is me this morning; the second one is from the seller. The swallow and chain are brass, and she carries a little Swarovski crystal beneath. Snookums was a little dubious about it at first. He said it reminded him of the joke in Monty Python and the Holy Grail about swallows carrying around coconuts. The seller’s description sounded as if she was referencing a story or myth though. So I did a bit of googling, and whoa! It’s a Korean folk tale! I had no idea. Isn’t that just perfect? I love it.

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    is waiting for awards to start. We could end up w/ 459-way tie unless there’s an upset. Don’t forget to count the dead people for me!

    is staring at a 144-way tie right now. Come on, upset!

    is cheering for “Departures.” It’s down to a 5 way tie! Phew.

    congratulates Mikey Filmmaker for winning my Oscar Contest! The Batman & Joker monkeys are his. Now, what to do for next year…?

    is looking forward to Pancake Day tomorrow. If only we had IHOP in Oz…! Will have to make our own instead.

  • And the winner is…

    Mikey Filmmaker! Congrats to Mikey for taking out the top spot in this year’s Web-Goddess Oscar Contest. Second place went to Brian Kohut. Both Mikey and Brian managed to correctly guess all twelve winners – including “Departure”! – but Mikey’s guess for the number of dead people in the tribute montage was closer. So he gets the sock monkeys! Thank you to everybody who entered this year, and especially to Jenny for keeping me updated with the winners. You guys rock! (Crystal and Renata, better luck next year…)