Month: February 2009

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    @randomknits Looks like we’ll be moving to a new location too – Customs House Library @ Cirq Quay! Just need to confirm with the group.

    is taking her best friend out for his favorite beers ( for V-Day. Love you, Snook.

    @redambition I’m still not 100% convinced of the utility myself. But I highly suggest you follow yokoono if you can. 🙂

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    On my way to Knitters’ Guild meeting. Time to start politicking!

    was just elected unopposed as Convenor of the Inner City group.

  • Let’s Get It On

    Hahaha… To celebrate Valentine’s Day, are offering a free MP3 download of “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye. Nice.

    Edited to add: Bastards. It’s US-only. Of course, they don’t tell you that until you’ve already logged in and installed their stupid Downloader app. Grrr.

  • P&P as Facebook News Feed

    Pride & Prejudice as a Facebook News Feed. THAT IS MY FAVORITE THING ON THE INTERNET, EVER. “Fitzwilliam Darcy became a fan of Fine Eyes.” It’s just perfect in every way. (Link courtesy of Lara.)

  • Blood Clot and Brain Cupcakes

    Blood Clot and Brain Cupcakes. Bookmarking for Halloween… even though nobody ever eats cupcakes at parties, and I always forget that.

  • Germaine, Germaine…

    Hey, I know we’ve just had a heartbreaking national tragedy and all, but what I think we all really need is for Germaine Greer and Miranda bloody Devine to start pointing accusatory fingers at everyone they don’t like. Doesn’t that just make everyone feel better? Thought so.

  • Cat-It Drinking Fountain

    I forgot to mention that we got a Cat-It Drinking Fountain last weekend. Snookums had noticed that Professor Death liked playing with his water bowl, so we figured he might prefer running water. The pet store at Broadway was out of stock but had an ex-display model they offered us for $50, so we snapped it up. As expected, both cats were pretty wary at first. Petey’s come to like it a lot though, and he often drinks from the water spilling out over the dome. We’ve heard that urinary issues in male cats are both life-threatening and expensive, so anything that keeps him drinkin’ water is a good thing!

  • Bush Fire Donation Round-Up

    I’ve heard from a few non-Australians who want to know where/how they can donate to the Bush Fire Appeal. Here are some campaigns that I know about:

    • Australian Red Cross Online Donation. If you want to straight up give some cash to help the victims, this is where you go. Anyone with a credit card can donate.
    • Knitters’ Charity Raffle. Jacqueline has amassed a huge collection of knitting-related items (wool, books, gift certificates) that will be raffled off. Every $10 you donate to the Red Cross Appeal earns you a ticket. So if you need any more motivation, check it out.
    • Wildlife Victoria Online Donation. If you specifically want to direct your money to help with the native wildlife that have been threatened by this crisis, that’s where you go.
    • If you want to help the animals and you’re crafty, consider making a possum/joey pouch. Juvenile marsupials are placed in these pouches to keep them warm and safe while they’re recovering. You can knit pouches or sew linings; both are needed.
    • will be hosting a number of fund-raising events in cities around the US, including Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. (Check their calendar for more.)

    I was really happy to hear that my new company donated $10,000 to the Appeal. I hope we can all do even more.

    Edited to add: I’ve had an enquiry about using American credit cards to donate Aussie Dollars. It’s cool; your credit card company will handle the exchange. (I use my Aussie card to buy stuff internationally all the time.) Your statement will show the exchange rate they used, and IIRC credit card companies/banks usually give you a pretty decent rate.

  • Valentine

    Wow! Snookums just pointed out that I’m on today, albeit indirectly. See that Valentine at #15 there? Whoever Photoshopped it took it directly from mine! I don’t mind though; it’s worth a chuckle. And a lot of people in the comments seem to think that one was the best of the lot.

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    @crumpet Wish you had Wii Guitar Hero. We need a singer for our band “Dr Jonz and Prof Death”!

    has finally figured out why latest @heroespodcast keeps stopping on iPhone. Will grab next one via iTunes to test.

    managed a 2mi run this morning before the rain came. Best one yet, even tho I’m super sore from boxing Wed. Didn’t want to stop!