Month: March 2009

  • Granny Square Blanket

    I have half a dozen big balls of pastel cotton that really need to become a granny square blanket for my brother’s upcoming new baby…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @randomknits Twitter meteorology. I love it when you guys alert me to bad stuff coming up from the south…

    is trying out Cha-Ching for iPhone. Got any good tips? Doesn’t really seem to have docs other than support forums. #app

    hasn’t run in a week. It’s like inertia has taken over. I need to get back out on the road!

  • The “No ‘Poo” Movement

    The “No ‘Poo” Movement
    Gael linked to a couple articles about a topic that fascinates me: this idea that if you stop shampooing your hair, you’ll reach a point where your natural oils reach equilibrium and it looks fantastic. I pretty much have to wash my hair every day or it feels lank and greasy 24 hours later. (Note: I don’t know that it actually is lank and greasy; it just feels that way to me.) Of course, now that I have a non-traditional hair colour, I know that it’ll last longer the less I shampoo it. It’s just difficult. The idea of going six weeks without washing it makes my skin crawl. I’m sure it works for some people, but I fear I’d be like the 2nd and 3rd women quoted in that article, tying scarves around my head and feeling like a smelly leper. Don’t these “no poo” people ever exercise? Don’t they sweat? And then there’s this lady, who’s blogging about her family’s experiment with it. Her shower ritual now includes scrubbing her head with half a lemon, conditioning the tips, and then sprinkling it with lavendar oil. What the hell? WHO DOES THAT? So really it’s all about replacing shampoo (which is convenient and relatively cheap) with some complicated exotic ritual? Bah.

    Still, Snookums is convinced that it would totally work, and that if I’d just grit my teeth and wait it out, I could break free of my dependence on Pantene. What do you think? Anybody up for a greaseball experiment?

  • Pet AT-AT

    Hey Snookums… I think we might need another pet.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    is waiting for a toasty turkey sandwich at Toby’s. I feel weird not ordering coffee though. Like people who order Corona at brewpubs.

    @crumpet I use TwitterFon. Free, simple, works good!

    @wookie_man Hey, you’re my 100th follower! You win the big prize of… HONOUR AND PRESTIGE, my friend! 🙂

    is getting ready for our first Strata meeting tonight. Should be interesting, considering how the agent LOST OUR ADDRESS last year.

    @wookie_man Nah, it’s there! I saw it afterwards. 🙂

    has just nominated the Snook for the Strata Executive Committee. It’s getting a bit heated here!

    is undergoing tag-team belly-kneading from cats. Little one went first; now big one is pummeling my guts. It’s kind of sweet. I’m the mommy.

    is running late, as ever.

  • Strata AGM

    Concerned Homeowners
    We attended our first Strata AGM tonight! Well, technically not our first, seeing as how last year we didn’t go on account of the Strata Manager having our address wrong. But this was the first one that we’d actually been invited to, so we went. I was surprised that only about half of the units in the building were represented. (Is that normal?) The meeting went well, and the stupid Manager really copped it for everything they’d screwed up in the past year. (We may boot them entirely. Any recommendations?) Snookums decided to join the Executive Committee, which made me very proud. We got to meet a lot of our neighbours, and they’re all really awesome and nice. We all had a good whinge about the “doof-doof” idiot across the street who parties every weekend. Five of us walked home together, and I got to proudly show off my little macadamia tree and herbs (which I replanted last weekend). It’s nice to finally feel like we’re part of the building!

  • Nearly done…

    In the home stretch!
    Only two more seams to go on Na Craga! I’m hoping to finish it by Thursday night so I can give it one more wet block before I drop it off at the Show on Saturday.

    Na Craga (ALMOST DONE!)


  • WWKIP Day

    Sally is doing a FANTASTIC job organising this year’s WWKIP Day in Sydney. I’ll be doing an order for T-shirts and swag from the Cafepress store in a month or so, so let me know if you want to combine shipping.

  • Mostly better.

    I’m back at work and feeling mostly recovered. Back to your regularly scheduled Kris-programming…