Month: March 2009

  • Obama to Speak at ND

    Holy crap! How did I miss that President Obama will be delivering the commencement address this year at Notre Dame? That’s fantastic! Of course, some of the more strict Catholics are predictably outraged. I find that… somewhat hypocritical. Why aren’t they launching petitions over ROTC’s large presence on campus? Why don’t they protest the number of non-Catholics (myself included) who attend and earn degrees? We should be HONORED that the President has chosen to come and speak. I can’t even imagine how the (very few) African-American students on campus are feeling.

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    just saw at Broadway that they’re doubling size of Harris Farm. I may never have to go in Coles again!

    just watched Irish guy on Spicks and Specks perform “Jump Around” IN GAELIC. Best. Rap. Ever.

    just got a notification that my MOM is following me on Twitter. Hi, Mom!

    is back at work and feeling approximately 90% healthy, yet still sick enough to justify a bacon & egg roll for breakfast.

    @crumpet The button on the headphones rocks my world. The first time I got a call on it I nearly fell over.

  • Calamity

    Bex and Fin have rescued an adorable kitten. Kittens for everyone!

  • Diagnosis.

    Diagnosis. I saw Dr. Chin this morning, who confirmed that I’ve got a virus of some sort. I’m still feverish and my lymph nodes are swollen. He said to stay home and rest today, possibly even tomorrow. I’ve heard from a few Sydneysiders that a cold/flu/plague is going around, but so far I don’t have any symptoms below the neck. I’m hoping this means I’m fighting it off…

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    has slept pretty much ALL DAY. Still groggy. Didn’t go for a run. Ate ice cream at lunch because I was miserable. May do the same tomorrow.

    @kellymcmahon Yeah, saw that. He wrote a big essay too. More about the philosophical angle though. His cancer changed his reviews a LOT.

    @AusVintageGrrl Awww, write it up on Rav! I want to hear about it. I’m sorry I missed it. 🙁

    referred to an old lady in an email today as the “Dwight Shrute of the Knitters Guild.” I myself, of course, am the Jim.

    @mrs_sockvictim Especially when you dump Milo on top straight from the can. 🙂

    has an official diagnosis of “a viral illness” and a doctor’s order to go back to bed. At least I’m catching up on some sleep.

  • Sick.

    Sick. I’ve slept pretty much all day long. I’m still groggy. My lymph nodes are all swollen and painful. No idea if it’s just from the cold sore, or whether I’m fighting off something else and the cold sore is just a consequence of my weakened immune system. Going to see the doctor tomorrow morning.

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    is drooling over the smells coming from the slow cooker. Split pea and ham soup, only a few hours to go.

    @crumpet I have $39 Optus, but IIRC it’s gone now. So far 500MB data is PLENTY. I use maybe 200MB at most (since I have wifi @ home & work).

    feels really, really crappy. Lymph nodes all swollen. Yes, Dr appt 1st thing tomorrow. Loading up on drugs now. 🙁

  • Split Pea and Ham Soup

    Split Pea and Ham Frustration
    Inspired by Eileen’s site this week, I bought a ham hock and a bag of split peas last night to make crock pot split pea and ham soup today. I put it in this morning and the whole house has been filled with the most wonderful smells. A few hours I ago I was researching remedies for cold sores, when I discovered that you should avoid foods high in arginine while having an outbreak. What has loads of arginine? PEAS. So I had scrambled eggs on toast for dinner while Snookums partook of my beautiful soup. At least I know that it freezes well, and it’ll still taste good in a few days when I’m all healed up. Still, MEGA FRUSTRATION.

  • Cold sore.

    Crap. You know what you really DON’T NEED when your self-esteem has already taken a beating? A frickin’ cold sore. It’s early stages; I’m going nuclear with the lysine and Zovirax. (Interestingly, I only get them when my system is stressed. Am I getting sick? Was it my lack of sleep last week courtesy of the cats? Was my depression over the diet situation the cause… or just another symptom?)