Month: March 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just completed a 5.29 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    is happily knitting away while Snookums grills steak au poivre in the kitchen. Hm, wine glass needs a refill! Great birthday. 🙂

    @crumpet Thanks! It was a great weekend.

    is sitting at the hairdresser. My 33rd year demands interesting hair. Pink or blue, that is the question…

  • Tea!

    It’s my birthday so we’re off to the Victoria Room for High Tea. Yay!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    was told by more than one person that it was the Best. Guild. Meeting. Ever. Hurrah! Triumph.

    @randomknits I read that out at SSK as a sign we should head home! The power of Twitter. (I just made it before the heavens opened.) 🙂

    @crumpet Syncronicity. Rae at Guild meeting today had knitted baby dress with owls on it. None of us had ever seen before. So cute!

    is missing my grandparents’ 50th anni. They look gorgeous, don’t they? Wish I was a millionaire & could fly back.

  • Absinthe

    I thought I was over my sock knitting addiction… until I saw Absinthe. And I even have the perfect yarn! (MUST. NOT. CAST-ON until Show jumper is finished!) Also, I covet those shoes. Does anybody know what brand they are?

    Edited to add: They’re Dansko Marcelles. Now I just have to figure out how to get a pair.

  • Happy Anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa!

    My Grandma and Grandpa in 1959Happy 50th Anniversary to my Grandparents
    My mother’s side of the family are gathering in Indiana to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of my grandparents, Jim and Soon Harter. This is their wedding photo, which ran in the paper with the announcement. Aren’t they gorgeous? Grandpa looks so dashing and strong and handsome, and Grandma looks exotic and beautiful and brave. I like to think I can see a little of myself in them. I’m heartbroken that I can’t be there to help them celebrate at the party my Mom has organised. My sister is going though, and she’s taking their youngest great-grandchild along. I’m going to try to get up early Monday morning and call them during the party. I love you and miss you guys!

  • Inner City Guild Meeting

    Birthday cupcakes from Fiona!Today was my first meeting as Convenor of the Knitting Guild’s Inner City Group, and it was also our first meeting at our new location in Customs House Library. I was stressing out a little bit beforehand, but I shouldn’t have worried. It was one of our best meetings ever. Everyone was in such a good mood! We had 31 people in attendance (plus Rae’s adorable baby Zara), and several of those were brand new members. Our new meeting format worked well, and folks seemed to appreciate our aim of finishing off the business quickly so we could just knit and chat. I’ve put some photos up on the group website.

    Of course, the best part was that Fiona made me special cupcakes for my birthday! And then she made the whole group sing to me. It was very sweet. Thanks, Fee! Kate also brought a cake, and I made a Spanish tortilla. (I used these two sites for tortilla recipe guidance. Flipping that thing on my own was, like, the scariest culinary feat I’ve ever attempted. It came out really good though!) Thanks to everybody who came to the meeting, and to my fellow officers Rosemary and Geraldine for all their help. I’m looking forward to next month!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    is probably venturing into OCD territory with her preparations for tomorrow’s Guild meeting. I *heart* my To Do list.

    is at the Friend in Hand in Glebe. HANDS DOWN wierdest pub I’ve been to in Sydney. They host crab racing every Wednesday, apparently. O_o

    loves her new MacBook. I just plugged her in to an 8 year old inkjet, hit Ctrl-P, and the sucker is printing. THANK YOU, STEVE.

    @redambition Don’t worry about it. Kate is making a cake, I’m making a frittata in the morning, and we have Tim Tams. It’s all good. 🙂

    just made my first Spanish tortilla. Flipping that monster successfully – by myself! – was like the highlight of my year. I hope it’s tasty.

  • Anthony Bourdain’s Guide to Food Television

    Anthony Bourdain’s Guide to Food Television. That is just brilliant. I like that he gives props to Martha Stewart and Alton Brown, and that he basically admits Gordon Ramsay is selling out by becoming a total caricature of himself.

  • The Untold Story of the World’s Biggest Diamond Heist

    The Untold Story of the World’s Biggest Diamond Heist. Fascinating story. I wish Mythbusters would cover it so I could find out if the hair spray and magnetic plate hacks really work.

  • WILLIS Tower?

    Sears Tower to become Willis Tower. SCREW THAT. It’ll always be the Sears Tower to me.