Month: April 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Ferris Bueller as Fight Club: BRILLIANT.

    @twelveeyes No no no no no. Not a word. Not to be uttered. Makes my skin crawl. I’m pretty sure it was invented by marketroids.

    Just downloaded the Business Analyst Body of Knowledge (BABOK) v. 2.0. I am too excited about something so nerdy.

    @randomknits In Australia? Has the Snuggie finally arrived on our shores? (I still like the DOONA SUIT myself.)

    RT @KnittyLynn: Fake indie alert, Urban Threads ripping off Jenny Hart AKA Sublime Stitching:

    Party cat: Thanks to @marmotmaster for the link!

    @sharre We should form the Anti-Tights Liberation Front. I’M RIGHT THERE WITH YA.

    @knitness I believe the appropriate response is “Drink til they’re cute.”

    Pub. Pub pub pub pub pub.

    @venks79 Awww, I’m already home!

    @acatinatree American comma? It’s the OXFORD comma, and I am 100% in support. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

    ARGH. Spent whole ride to work sending furious complaint email to Sydney Buses about drivers on 461 & 480 routes. I am officially a crank.

  • Party Cat

    Party Cat. (Link courtesy of Matt.)

  • Yarnovers

    Just bookmarking so I don’t forget: RoseRed has a useful tip for getting consistent yarnovers in a lace pattern.

  • Captain Tripps

    I got an email yesterday letting me know that I was being followed on Twitter by @motherabigail. *snort* “Oh neat,” I thought. “People are twittering as the characters from The Stand.” This morning I got another notification that I was being followed by @VegasWalkinDude (presumably because I tweeted that I’d meet everybody in Hemingford Home). There are lots of other characters out there (@Nick_Andros, @Stu_Redman, @larry_underwood, @Nadine_Cross, @MOONtomcullen. They’re all pretty well done, sending @ messages back and forth and following the timeline of the story. That said, reading them on the bus in the rain this morning surrounded by sniffling passengers… it started to creep me out a little bit. I have an overactive imagination.

    So to assuage my own anxieties, I just did some Googling. The fatality rate in Mexico (according to this article) is 6%. Which sucks, yeah, but we’re not at Captain Tripps levels yet. I’ll hold off til the weekend on stocking up on guns and batteries. (I suppose at least the fact that Australia is never mentioned in the books should make me feel a bit safer. Evidently Randall Flag only operates in the continental US.)


    12 Major Brands That Will Disappear in 2009. Old Navy? NOOOOOOOO! Crap, where are Snookums and I going to stock up on cheap American clothes when we next go home? And sorry Daniel – Crocs is on the list too! (Link courtesy of Rebecca’s Pocket.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    It takes a special kind of chutzpah to turn up 45 minutes late to a project management workshop. (No, not me.)

    So far this PM course is really good. Lots of practical info. Just spent lunch quizzing instructor on approaches for annoying work issue.

    Just got followed by @motherabigail ! Please tell me Stu Redmond’s on here. I’d head to Hemingford Home for him. (Beware the Walkin Dude.)

    PM workshop going great, but warm room + white noise + post-lunch = yanking hairs out of my arm to stay awake. A coffee is needed.

    @Alex_Manchester My cousin @imdominating is completely obsessed. She saw the movie like 14 times & met Edward. Oh, and she’s an adult woman.

    In case you’re wondering if people actually still read Dilbert, the ones who put together I.T. training course materials do.

    @Alex_Manchester I’m sure she’ll correct me, probably upwards. I read 3.5 of the books but fully admit they are made of Suck.

    I’m tempted to go to Chinatown and look for the pot of gold.

    @brockleyboyo No way. Just picking up a few skills to add to the BA repertoire… 🙂

    @jose9 No worries. I didn’t hang around either. I had a pressing appointment with my couch and a loaf of sourdough. 🙂

    @Ezzles I always think the same thing. And then I never do. 🙁

    @mrs_sockvictim Haha! Petey still shows no interest in TP. He just thinks anything on a flat surface is a cat toy that belongs on the floor.

    @imdominating YOU TYPED MY DAMN USERNAME WRONG AGAIN, COUSIN! (Didn’t see the reply til now.) @Alex_Manchester – More than 14. Told ya!

    @brockleyboyo Just winging it at the moment. We’re a small company. PM and I are making it up as we go, basically.

    Just completed a 4.34 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Somehow the tweets from @VegasWalkinDude have gone from funny and meta to vaguely scary and meta. I have an overactive imagination.

    Of course, the day I finally make it to the bus stop at a decent hour is the day everybody in Sydney forgets how to drive in the rain.

  • Project Management

    Workshop! I spent the day at AIMIA’s Essential Digital Project Management Skills course. No, I’m not going over to the Dark Side. But I work fairly closely with Venks (our PM), and it seemed like a good opportunity to get some useful advice and tips. The class was on Pitt Street in the city, and there were probably 30 of us there. (To my surprise, I recognised one chick from when she was my customer at Tapestry Craft!) The course was really good, focusing much more on practical advice than on any particular methodology. The information on stakeholder management, risk mitigation, and communication were all particularly relevant for me. After lunch, we had a Q&A session with three business owners in various parts of the I.T. industry. (Note to self: Advertising agencies sound like hell.) So it was a good day. I don’t know that I need to do the Advanced PM course, but if AIMIA ever put on any BA-specific classes, I’d definitely book it. It was well worth it.

  • ND Student has swine flu!

    Holy crap! The confirmed case of swine flu in northern Indiana is actually a Notre Dame student! That’s one way to get out of your mid-terms. In all seriousness though, this will probably keep us from visiting home until the whole thing blows over. Not because I fear the swine flu, but just because we’d probably have to deal with all sorts of hassles when we got back here.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I touched a monkey.

    Snook just reported blackout at his office in Circ Quay. Anybody else?

    @socialbanter He’s in the DFS building on George Street… Are you there too?

    Well, William Street seems to be fine this time. Damn. #blackouts are fun.

    @SBSnews East of the city seems to be fine. No power loss on William Street so far.

    @kunaal84 There are a lot of geek offices in the Rocks! Pretty much ideal conditions for Twitterstorm. #blackout

    @steven_noble @Alex_Manchester I was wondering that too! I can tell Chippo’s got power though from webcam in my living room. 🙂

    @wookie_man Damn. No #zombie #blackout fun for our office today!

    @Alex_Manchester Ours isn’t that spiffy. It’s really just so my Mom can watch me watching TV on the weekend.

    @amandaemillar Hm. I know geeks who are into pop music and like both of those (including me!). If it’s catchy, I like it.

    Just joined a twibe. Not 100% sure what the point is. But visit to join.

    @DDsD I was going to say not everybody puts in location, but I’m checking Twibe & so far everybody does. So you may be right.

    @codepo8 Interesting related post here: Stuff is being saved, but lots seem purged already. 🙁

    RT @Alex_Manchester: RT @cafedave: Recipe 4 vegemite cheesecake – good or terrible? <- WIN. I’d totally hit it.

    @codepo8 Ah, you’re saying they didn’t ask for help. That certainly changes it. Odd that none of the blogs have mentioned that part. 🙁

    Good grief. Looked at Amazon wishlist for 1st time in years. SO RANDOM. VHS tapes? Bad feminist essay collections? Need a DELETE ALL button.

    Going to AIMIA project management workshop tomorrow: Anybody else?

    @jose9 Cool – be sure to wave hello! I’ll be the giant with the Yank accent.

    @redambition YES. Why? Surfaces, darling! Surfaces! Beautiful iMac, beautiful KB & mouse w/ NO WIRES marring my desk. It’s all about style.

    @michaelengle ZOMG. I’ll do it. I can drive if you navigate. If there’s any gross food challenges, it’s all you though.

    Holy crap! Indiana person with swine flu is Notre Dame student! Should get me out of visit home anytime soon.

    On the bus heading to training session in the CBD. I hope it doesn’t suck!

    @jose9 You here?

  • Vegemite Cheesecake

    Vegemite Cheesecake. My first response was “ZOMG ABOMINATION!” But after looking at the photos… I’d hit it.