Month: April 2009

  • Impossible Dilemma

    Impossible dilemma. Which movie is “most 90’s-est”: Clerks or Clueless? As the Snook pointed out this morning, Clerks is more representative of MOVIES from the 90’s, but Clueless is more representative of the CULTURE. I really can’t decide. (It’s a shame that this isn’t the Final match-up, because both of these films are way more 90’s than stupid Wayne’s World or Scream.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @SupFarn I tend to go overboard with coriander/cilantro and garlic. But you do need a little. Come on! That’s authentic Mexican, that is.

    @titus_atticus Well, that was unexpected.

    is clearing out the knitting backlog. Stay tuned for a Finished Object report. #fb

    has emerged victorious over Evil Lord Tubular Cast-Off. BOOYAH.

    @redambition Finally! I thought Italian chef was imaginary. Recorded to watch later. 🙂

    Chocolate beetroot cake, soon to have cardamom icing. (I know, weird.) Courtesy of mad baker Snook.

    @rainnwilson Hubby has baked chocolate BEET cake, soon w/ cardamom icing. Very Dwight Shrute. Insisted I tell you.

    has finished Rusted Root! Redid all cast-offs as tubular, which killed me. Looks very nice though. Will blog with photos tomorrow. #fb

    nearly forgot about Daylight Savings. Turn your clocks back, NSW people! #fb

    is working on the Knitters Guild website. Folks are finally starting to come on board with this whole Internet thing!

  • TrainingBlog

    or TrainingBlog? …because it’s not so much just about running anymore, is it? I had a really interesting week. Monday was the power outage, which kinda killed my plans to go to Spudds. Instead I told myself that I’d go Tuesday. But Tuesday came and I felt crappy, and I whined to the Snook that between the rainy weather and my headache, I just wanted to go home. He wouldn’t let me. He told me over and over again that I’d feel better after some exercise. Reluctantly I went. It wasn’t a great session; my only goal was just to grit it out. Afterwards I felt emotionally wrung out and exhausted. I think it did do me good though, because the very next day I headed in for our lunchtime session full of excitement and pep. Venks and Omid came along for the first time, and I think having newbies there forced me to realise how far I’ve come. I’m so much fitter than I was three months ago! I can keep up with the workout without feeling like I’m going to pass out. I actually managed to hold the plank position for a full minute, which is unheard of for me. (My core is obviously getting a lot stronger.) Spudds also challenged me to get 100m in 20s on the rowing machine, which he said was a challenging target for a girl. And I did it! I was really proud of that. And then Friday I went for a short run around the Domain at lunchtime. I’m really starting to notice how much an effect these workouts have on my sleeping patterns and mood. Fit Kris is strong and happy Kris.

  • Veggies for Victory

    Veggies for Victory
    “The Obamas’ vegie patch…is alarming conservatives.” See? That’s why I want to keep my veggie patch, despite the Snook’s protests. (To be fair, my total yield this year was next to nothing.) Still, I feel trying to grow my own food is at least a little bit subversive and political. In related news, we’ve started up the weekly veggie box again after a bit of a break. They’ve moved pickup to Saturday mornings at the Farmer’s Market at the Chippo Peace Park, which works out fantastic for us. It gives us a bit more time to work out what we’re doing with it, and a chance to go to the shops to get any necessary ingredients. Plus the new organiser, Daria, lets us pick out just what we want! Today we got LOADS, well worth the $25 we spent! (Pumpkin, zucchini, beetroot, leeks, capsicum, beans, potatoes, onion, and fennel.) We’ve already had beetroot risotto, and a chocolate and beetroot cake is cooling in the kitchen as we speak…

  • The next stage of cat evolution

    Dr. Amy has learned to open the kitchen cupboards. If she learns how to open the boxes of Friskies, we’re screwed.

  • Recession Beards?

    Hipster ChopsRecession beards“? Not in this house! The Snook celebrated the start of his new job last week by shaving his beard off and going back to the hipster mutton chops. He also bought a new electric razor so he can keep it maintained. My husband is one well-manscaped geek! (Link courtesy of Max.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @knitness Yay! We were going to get it anyway; it was just a question of how and when. Now to decide how to spend it…

    Dealing w/ complainers in Ravelry. I’m like Pres Roslin on BSG Season 1, trying to hold group together in the face of Zarek & his minions.

    @knitabulous @randomknits And oddly enough, none of them are volunteering to mod! WHO’DA GUESSED.

    @runkeeper RK just auto-tweeted the wrong run! Sent the one prior the one I’d finished. (I’ve since deleted.) Recent bug?

    @runkeeper Actually, today’s run doesn’t HAVE option to tweet! And map shows distance flags but not actual route. Should I try reupload?

    @sharre Was more that people couldn’t be bothered to hit ignore on NSW threads. It’s not like we have so much traffic it’s hard to keep up.

    RT @acatinatree RSVP for the first Sydney Social Media Club event here (via @SMCSYD) – I might go to this!

    @randomknits You. Are. Unstoppable! Congrats!

    @mrs_sockvictim Yikes! So far Peter hasn’t shown much desire to climb up high, thank goodness…

    @runkeeper Resending seems to have fixed it, both map shown on phone and Tweet sent from site. Thanks!

    2 avocadoes + 1 tomato + 1 clove garlic + 1 lime + ridiculous amount of coriander + salt/pep = heaven. I will never pay for guacamole again.

    Possible solution to Twitter/Facebook integration issue: FB app “Selective Twitter Status”! Testing it now. #fb

    It worked! Also strips the #fb from the end when it updates. Very nicely done. Now high school FB friends don’t have to hear about #zombies.

    @rhagern IS THAT REAL? Holy crap. Details please!

  • Employment

    Happy Friday! I’ve got a beer in my hand and I’m celebrating the fact that I’ve just handed my boss a signed employment contract. Yours truly has graduated from a “we’ll-give-her-a-shot” contractor to a bonafide permanent employee. Yay!

  • Sydney Tilt-Shift Video

    Wow. This tilt-shift video of Sydney is FANTASTIC. I really like the music too. It’s just lovely. I spoke to our company photographer Stu about how it was done. (He knows the guy who did it.) Stu’s of the opinion that it’s actually “fake” tilt-shift (i.e. done in post-production). Still, it looks GORGEOUS.

  • Copyright and the Queen

    I wondered last night whether Obama’s gift of an iPod loaded with show tunes was actually legal. Turns out it’s a very tricky issue. That’s the second gift he’s given recently that has highlighted a copyright problem. Is someone on his staff doing this deliberately to point out how broken and stupid the system is?