Last week I received a pretty random-yet-fun email request from Kat Murello, an actress working in New York. Her New Year’s Resolution for 2009 is to “hold a higher primate.” Yep, she wants to touch a monkey. So she’s booked in a trip to do it in a few months, and to build excitement she’s featuring monkey-related links on her blog every Monday. She was googling the topic recently and found these photos from our trip to Singapore eight years ago. She emailed to ask if I’d mind writing up my experience holding the chimpanzee. I figured, what the hell. So I went her my reply and she posted it today. Enjoy!
Month: April 2009
Amazon Acquires Stanza
Hm. Amazon has acquired Lexcycle, makers of the iPhone e-book app “Stanza.” I’ve been using Stanza for a few weeks now to read Red Mars, and it’s great. I would’ve downloaded the Kindle app, but it’s not available outside the U.S. I hope Amazon doesn’t kill off Stanza and screw all the overseas customers.
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@Justacogitating To get Sydney time, subtract 10 hours from Indiana time and then add a day. So right now it’s 10am Monday in Sydney.
@gemma747 Paging @mrs_sockvictim! I’m hoping she’s better today. We got her home all right in the end…
Awesome. Gives “Save Ferris” a whole new meaning:
Ugh. Headache entering its 30th hour. “Never attribute to overindulgence what you can more dramatically attribute to SWINE FLU,” I say.
Australians always ask what I miss about America. I usually say the junk food. Fairy bread just can’t compete w/ BACONE.
@DDsD I emailed them offering to bail and give up my ticket; never heard back. You want it? It’s yours.
No #smcsyd for me. Going to go home and nurse my continuing (SWINE FLU) headache.
Cold night. I decided that the best thing to ward off SWINE FLU was a Big Crumb Coffee Cake. SOOOOO GOOD.
Holy crap. Watching TBL finale. Sean looks hot. Did he get his teeth fixed?? I might have to swoon a bit.
@leatheregg I didn’t have any fresh rhubarb because Rodd turned it all into jam a few weeks ago. So I used that instead. Very, very good.
RT @lotsofco: My take on Swine Flu if it turns into Captain Trips: Eh, I’ve had a good run. <- Mine: See you in Nebraska!
Day 3 of headache. What is UP with that? Is it just the cold, dry weather?
Uh-oh. Three people out sick today in the office, and others coming down with it. Perhaps my headache is more ominous that I thought.
Jordy Bag Tutorial
Another cute square-bottomed tote bag sewing tutorial: The Jordy Bag.
Grotta Capri
WAIT JUST A SECOND. You mean that the crazy underwater restaurant where Muriel gets dumped by Sophie Lee and her bitchy friends in Muriel’s Wedding actually exists and I can go there? And it’s not even that far from my house!
Christian’s Lecture
My friend Christian has posted his presentation notes from his talk at Yahoo last week. There’s some interesting stuff in there if you build websites!
Weekend Update
It was both an incredibly busy and non-busy weekend. I took the day off on Friday to run errands and get ready for the Knitting Retreat. I managed to drive myself out to St. Leonards in the morning for an appointment with my allergist, and then I successfully navigated through the Lane Cove tunnel and out to Homebush to pick up Na Craga from the Show. Then I raced back home to Chippo to tidy up the house before meeting Stef at Spudds for a workout. I had a quick shower afterwards, then hopped a bus to Circular Quay to meet the Snook for a late lunch (and a smooch goodbye!). Then it was back home to frantically pack for the trip.
Lyn was the able chauffeur for myself, Fiona, and JP. It took us about 90 minutes to get to Mt. Keira Scout Camp, what with fairly heavy traffic through the Shire. The camp was gorgeous. We shared a cabin with Ness, Gemma, and Kelly. After dinner, everybody retired up to the lodge to sit before a roaring fire and get knitting. I think there were around 30 of us all together. Soon the wine was flowing…
And that was pretty much the pattern for the next 40 hours. On Saturday some folks did a dyeing workshop, but I decided to sit in the sun and work on finishing off Rusted Root. Miss Fee and I went for a run in the middle of the day. I bought the last set of Addi Click needles from the shop. (Interestingly, I paid a lot less than $150US for them!) That night, we all got dressed up for a Hawaiian-themed dinner. Then it was back to the lodge for trivia games, more knitting, and copious amounts of wine.
Yeah, we were all a bit hungover the next day. Sunday was quieter, with everyone in recovery mode. We made it back to the city by 4pm, where I was greeted by a very happy husband and pair of silly cats. It’s nice to get away every now and then and have them miss you. 🙂
Update: Donna, Bells, Mary-Helen, and Lyn have all posted photos!
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@misswired Where is it? We did vermicomposting at the Water Shed in Newtown.
If there is a prize for having the most hangovers at knitting camp, our cabin has won it. Me, I’m good.
I finished Rusted Root last night! I frogged it back to put in waist shaping and a rolled edge. Looks pretty cute..
Settled in at home after the knitting retreat. Snookums is making me a gumbo. Hangover is fading by the minute…
Oddly looking forward to getting to work and organising my tasks for the week. Productivity nerd! #fb
Home again
Home again from the knitting retreat. I’m too tired to do a big round-up now, but suffice it to say I had a great time! Special thanks to Lyn for the ride to Wollongong and back…
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Miss Fee and I decided to be virtuous and go for a run! They certainly feed you good at knitting camp.
@witty_knitter I choose not to race!
“It’s Hawaiian, mayte! It’s got the ham AND THE PINEAPPLE, mayte!”
@witty_knitter Indeed. I was leading the cheering section for Pizza Box, but Coconut Boobs won the Best Dressed contest.