Month: April 2009

  • Tie Top Tank

    Another adorable free sewing pattern for spring: Tie Top Tank. Saved!

  • News from Indiana

    Two surprising bits of news from Indiana this morning:

    • Lawmakers are proposing redrawing the Indiana-Michigan border. Huh? Apparently the original border was laid out in 1827 with wooden pegs, and that’s all people have to know where the line is. I had no idea! I kinda thought that even without GPS, surveyors would be able to always know where the line was based on their, I don’t know, magic measurements or whatever. Guess not.
    • Elkhart County has slipped to #2 on the unemployment list. #1? Lagrange County with 18.9% unemployment. Jeeeez. That’s the county where I went to high school. It’s the county where several members of my family still live. I just can’t even imagine what it’s like with 1 out of 5 out of work.

    Links courtesy of The Elkhart Project.

  • Chippo is HOT!

    Chippendale is on both lists of top suburbs to buy houses and apartments in Sydney. High demand from first-home buyers is pushing prices up. Woohoo!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Runners: should we take a baby aspirin every day? Reading and thinking…

    Still no K.Rudd money. Now I feel like Calvin, waiting for the propeller beanie to arrive.

    @redambition I’ve been reading too many of Kevin Smith’s tweets. My first assumption was you were going home to get high. 🙂

    New Harry Potter trailer. Holy crap – CHILLS. Love the reworking of Hedwig’s theme at the end. Movie must be 4 hrs long!

    @redambition OH, for tomorrow?! HUZZAH! Looking forward to it.

    RT @DDsD: RT @larzshinobi: Number of pirates killed by each president (hat tip @matttomalley)

    @sharre Bring your knitting, membership fee if you want to join there, and gold coin for tea. That’s it! No scary initiation ritual… YET.

    @witty_knitter Suddenly TwitterFon seems to pale in comparison. This is like Twitter as Mission Control.

    @sharre Oh! And @knitness is bringing her leftover yarn stock, so extra cash if you feel like stash enhancement. 🙂

    Just lost the “My layoff was worse than yours” game with coworker who got the call in the middle of his bachelor party. OUCH.

    Hypothesis: there is nowhere sadder to be on Friday night than the Kmart lay-by counter. Guess how I know.

    @Justacogitating Woohoo! Now I just need to move back to Indiana and commit a crime or somethin’. Uh. Forget I ever said that. 🙂

    Guild preparation is all done! Just going to have a quick shower and head out. See you all shortly!

  • New Harry Potter Trailer

    New Harry Potter trailer. Holy crap. That looks AWESOME. I found Half-Blood Prince a little boring at times, but that trailer makes it look action-packed. And I LOVE the reworking of “Hedwig’s Theme” at the end, all bombastic with the horns. (Instantly reminded me of Darth Vader, very sinister and menacing.) At least we get it at the same time as everybody else.

  • What a Business Analyst Does

    For anybody who is curious or confused about my new business title, you’re not alone. Even people who are actually in this industry aren’t quite sure what the various titles and job duties actually entail. Today I found a great article that finally explains the names and the overlap. Here’s me:

    IT Business Analyst – This is the analyst who is generally associated with requirements elicitation/analysis and solving problems using information technology solutions. This role is the bridge between business & IT.

    I love that last quote. That’s the key, really. The business and marketing guys have a goal they want to achieve. I take these Feature Requests and turn them into functional requirements and specifications that the tech guys can work from. When the tech guys have an issue – like a technology or resource limitation – I can be an advocate and make a case to the business for what they need. It’s fun! I get to be a bridge, contact point, and translater between lots of different areas of the business. And since we’re so small, I get to have a lot more input in setting up new processes and documenting existing ones that I might have in a big corporate environment.

  • Spreadtweet

    Spreadtweet. A Twitter client that looks like an Excel spreadsheet, for people in offices with restrictive managers. (I, on the other hand, trade Twitter client recommendations with my manager. Hi Venks!)

  • Zombie Macs

    Wow. Somebody’s actually created a Mac botnet by infecting users who pirated Photoshop CS4. Yikes. (As Snookums put it: “Good thing I don’t know anybody who would do that.” Me: “Uh… Yeah.”)

  • CUB Site put off indefinitely

    Wow. Just spotted on SMH: “It’s off: Carlton brewery site goes flat”.

    THE developer behind the massive former Carlton and United Brewery project at Broadway has called an indefinite halt to construction and says the project will not start until the global economy recovers.

    Very interesting. On one hand that’s more time for the project to be scaled back to a level that meets residents’ concerns for overpopulation and green space. On the other hand, it’s a massive city block that looks like Wonka’s chocolate factory was leveled by a wrecking ball. I posted it to the Life in Chippendale blog; I’m interested to hear what other people think about it.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Coworker is packaging up “Heroes” shwag for contest winners. So. Jealous.

    @damana Reclaiming the word, I think. Also realizing that geeks are interesting. Being passionate about something is a GOOD thing.

    Thinking of giving knitting a miss tonight. Will see everybody on Saturday morning at the Guild meeting!

    @sharre Oh yeah! You have to specify one as your main group when you sign up, but you can go to any meetings you like.

    @sharre Not in my group! You can give me cash/transfer and I’ll take responsibility for sending it in. Worked great last month! 🙂

    @shanea @DDsD But… but… Grant is a scientist! He has a proper scientific calculator and everything! HE BUILDS ROBOTS, FOR GOD’S SAKE.

    Sucking down coffee and listening to the cats wrestle. Trying to work up the energy to go out for a run.

    Just completed a 4.24 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    LinkedIn ettiquette: Got request to add from chick at my uni who I don’t remember AT ALL. Add anyway? I’m new to LI.

    @brodrigu I suppose if I ever move back to the U.S., yeah. Okay, added. (Hey, do I have you on there??)