Month: April 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Indian summer. (Do they say that here?) Hot and beautiful. Gym circuit relocated to park to kick/catch football. Feeling sore but energized.

    Woohoo! Nearly time to head to Geek Girl Dinner. Had to sign NDA since it’s at Google. I may even give a talk! NERD. GRRRL. POWER.

    Google swag. Just waiting for my girls now!

    Sitting next to @misswired. Two beers down and knitting through tech talks. #ggd

    Ooh, fun. Just managed to connect to free Google guest wi-fi. #ggd

    Not to be sexist or anything, but what’s with all the dudes? I would have brought Snook if I’d known penises were allowed. #ggd #GGDS

    Reminded of how when I started last dev job, was told other guy devs just wanted to know if I was hot. Sisterhood! #GGDS

    Slightly unsure of true geek cred of some attendees. Have urge to go around testing with Star Wars trivia. “WRONG! TK421!” #GGDS

    Dude, Macs have command lines too. #GGDS

    Hm. Surrounded by Twitter marketroids. They look just like normal people! #GGDS

    Figured that 1 drink per interview Google put me thru before rejection would give me closure. Six drinks later = it’s all good, Goog. #GGDS

    Spent post #GGDS drinking time stalking cute Goog coder chick w/ @AusVintageGrrl. Such a fun night. Thanks @redambition for ride home! #GGDS

    @redambition Oddly, I feel pretty darn good! Had a crap night’s sleep, but judging by the tweets, so did everybody else who was there.

    @knitness Ha! Yeah, we thought she was the coolest. Her speech was the most technical but also very entertaining.

    Waiting for my K.Rudd money is like waiting for bags at the airport. Somehow I just know I’m going to be last.

  • Geek Girl Dinner Sydney

    Me, Issy,a nd TiaTonight was our long-awaited Geek Girl Dinner Sydney event. I met up with Issy and Tia at the new Googleplex in Pyrmont. (Not the same one I interviewed at in the CBD. Note: My double Goog-rejection was much on my mind.) The new building is gorgeous, and the emcee mentioned a couple of times how “green” it was supposed to be. We checked in and picked up our swag, then were directed out to the “verandah” for drinks. We had champagne and beer while looking out over the gorgeous Sydney skyline. We made some new friends. There was much mockery of Joomla. Then we were all directed down to the meeting room for the “lightning talks.” I got instantly recognized by @misswired, who it took me a few minutes to place. (One of the perils of having a blog; being recognised by strangers. Within ten minutes had worked out that we have, like, 20 of the same friends.) Anyway, the talks. Eight different speakers gave five minute speeches about everything from Twitter to Adobe Flex to helpful command line utilities. (I’d offered to give a speech on the Australian online knitting community, but the bill was full. I think my speech would’ve been better than at least half of them.) Several of the speeches just seemed to be plugs for the chick’s business or employer. Also – there were a lot of guys there! I had no idea that it was kosher to bring partners along. I twittered and knitted throughout the speeches. Afterwards we were herded into a (very small) room for more drinks and nibblies. There was much pounding of free Google booze, and much stalking of super-cool Google coder chicks. (I covet those t-shirts with the Google logo with the female symbol as one of the o’s.) Thankfully Issy was available to drive me and Tia home. Thanks, ladies! It was a super fun night. I’m definitely up for the next one.

  • Demystifying Double Crochet

    Demystifying double crochet for beginners. Great tutorial with super clear photos. Knowing where to put that last stitch is always the problem I have with crochet. This helps a lot.

  • The Elkhart Project

    The Elkhart Project. MSNBC is “focusing long-term coverage on the city of Elkhart, Ind. to provide perspective on the national recession.” Wow. I’ve already learned stuff I never knew about the area I grew up. The most surprising was that the RV industry is/was pretty much all non-union (which I should’ve realized given that I never heard anyone in my family other than Grandma Vee mention a union ever). As my cousin Kim said on Facebook, “Here’s hoping the press coverage ends up doing some good in the end.”

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @FryingPan It’s a great thing! Congrats again on the new role. Hope it works out well for you. (Can’t be worse, right?) 😉

    Planning w/ @redambition & @AusVintageGrrl for Geek Girl Dinner tomorrow. Should we knit? I’m thinking HELL YEAH. Geeky + crafty chicks FTW!

    On the bus home from the gym. Booming thunder & lightning in distance. Thought it was fireworks at first!

    @johnnyagogo WORD. I also find it weird how people who wouldn’t be seen together in high school are all BFFs now that they’ve got kids.

  • Purrrrrrr

    Why do humans enjoy it when cats purr? I love the responses. Both of our cats will purr when they’re feeling contented and cozy. I often think about the purported healing effect, especially when I’m feeling sick or lousy. (I think I first learned about it Oryx and Crake, but I didn’t realize at the time there was some scientific basis for the idea.)

  • Free Sundress Pattern

    Free Sundress Pattern to sew. That looks great! Very pretty and simple to make. I’m going to download and save it for spring.

  • Woodgrain Socks

    Woodgrain Socks. I wonder if you could knit those.

  • Jumping for a Good Cause

    Jumping for a good cause
    I got an email over the weekend from my 7-year-old brother Joey telling me about that he’ll be jump roping at school this week to raise money for The American Heart Association. If you’re willing and able, he’s got a fundraising page where you can donate. (Unfortunately the credit card form only accepts payment from American addresses so I’ve just sent my donation to Mom via PayPal. If any other “furriners” want to help, let me know and I can give you her PayPal info.) Good luck, Joey! It’s awesome that you’re doing such a nice thing.

  • Dork Yearbook

    Dork Yearbook. Oh man. The Snook and I have SO MANY possible contributions for that site.