Month: April 2009

  • 16 Depression Era Money Saving Tips. Growing a garden is on there! The Snook is also interested in getting some power meters so we can see which of our appliances is sucking the most electricity.


  • Mimi Kirchner’s Hand Sewn Felt Doll. I really want to make one of those for Indie.


  • CraftFail

    CraftFail – a blog dedicated to sharing our not-so-successful crafting attempts. Brilliant.


  • Same Sex Marriage

    Peter Sagal refutes the arguments against same-sex marriage. Go Peter! And Nate Silver crunches data that shows that voter resistance to same-sex marriage is weakening every single year. According to his numbers, even Indiana wouldn’t be able to pass a Constitutional ban on it as early as 2015.


  • An Evening with Kurt!

    An Evening with the Nephew!The Snook’s sister and brother-in-law were going out for a special dinner tonight so they asked if we’d mind looking after our nephew. We confidently said, “Sure!” while secretly fearing that we’d be lost trying to entertain a nine-year-old for three hours. But then we remembered, hey! We’re ALL ABOUT the…


  • SMH Star Trek Quiz

    SMH Star Trek Quiz. I got 64%, which is nerdier than the general population but not a full-on Trekkie.


  • The Easter Bunny donated his body to science. Bwahahahahaha!


  • The Power of Crochet

    A 98-year-old woman was pulled from Italy’s earthquake rubble after spending 30 hours trapped in her house. What did she do while she was trapped? She crocheted.


  • Productivity Script

    Productivity Script. Are you sure this is how you should be spending your time? (Link found in Jann’s Twitter feed.)


  • Highly Commended… AgainSo I didn’t get the friggin’ blue ribbon. I told the Snook on the way to the Arts Preview tonight that me knitting Na Craga was pretty much the equivalent of Kate Winslet doing a Holocaust movie. I was pandering, and I knew it. If ever I had a shot, this was the…
