Month: April 2009

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    @Timmay83 Look for my jumper! Cabled grey one with a red ribbon on the front. (Strung up with fishing line, the bastards.) 🙂

    Mega productive. Got heaps done on M&S website, knitted, cleaned house, visited w/ guild cabal. Now: rain, wine, & Snook’s beer bread. YUM.

    My little brother Joey is jumping rope at school this week to raise money to fight heart disease. Please donate to him!

    Hm. Went to buy 1st Diet Coke in months and learned price had dropped. It’s like they WANT me to drink it.

  • Creme That Egg!

    Creme That Egg! Awesome Rube Goldberg machine some guy created as part of a contest. My favorite part is how it’s basically all made out of cardboard, books, and trash he found lying around his apartment. (Link courtesy of Max.)

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    Just completed a 5.22 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Went for a 5K training run. Can’t let my Bay Run team down! Which reminds me – me, @Timmay83, @shanea, and Stef need a team name. Ideas?

    @mrs_sockvictim Got to chapter 2 of Red Mars last night. It’s REALLY good! Starts you in an exciting bit then jumps back several years.

    Productive Easter. Ran, knitted, & got loads done on TC site. (Glad I decided to go back to osCommerce 2.2.) Last day to sleep in…

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    Walking to Chippo Farmers’ Market to pick up veggie box and then Glebe Markets to check out @knitness’s stall. I love our neighborhood.

    We eventually found @knitness’s stall! To the left when you come in, not far from the fence.

    Stupid Quadrahosting is down again. The universe is telling me to play Guitar Hero instead of working.

    @shanea Srsly. Unfortunately whenever I ask for a host that doesn’t suck, no one can think of one. I think they all do. 🙁

    I’m Mr. Brightside.

    Quadrahosting is kill me. 3 outages in 24 hours! Are there any hosts that don’t completely suck? MY KINGDOM FOR A NON-SHITTY WEB HOST.

    @mrs_sockvictim Feeling bleak? “The Road” by Cormac MacCarthy. Going to be a movie soon. Made me cry and cry. May shatter your world.

    Okay, I’m giving up on osCommerce 3.0. Non-optimised query was taking 200s. Cutting my losses and going back to old version.

    @mrs_sockvictim I can lend you it. I downloaded “Red Mars” free ebook last night. Famous sci-fi. Just started it. We could have read along!

    Awake. Barely. Happy Easter. We’ll be spending the day exactly as we spent the previous two. (Snookums is raiding in Azeroth right now.)

  • Quadrahosting Woes

    I’m supposed to be spending these four days working on porting the Morris & Sons site to the new version of osCommerce. Unfortunately, I’m being hampered by the fact that Quadrahosting‘s servers have now failed 3 times in the past 24 hours, each for at least an hour. That is really unacceptable. And everybody says, “Switch hosts!” But seriously, name me one that doesn’t suck. I’m totally disillusioned at this point. They all suck.

  • Stuffed Bunny Pattern

    Stuffed Bunny Pattern. Oh, that is too cute. Another one to make for Indie!

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    You know, it’d be a lot easier to install oscommerce if stupid quadrahosting’s SSH access was working properly!

    Oscommerce successfully installed without SSH access! Because I’m just. that. cool.

    If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Now SSH is up but web server is timing out. Getting very little work done. 🙁

    With all these stinkin’ hosting provider issues, it’s probably time to finally set up a proper local test environment, right? But I’m lazy.

    @wookie_man Decision made when TC site was set up ages ago. Suits their needs. (Mac has php mysql etc. Just haven’t bothered to setup yet.)

    Frick. I think I may have caught @mrs_sockvictim and @knitness ‘s cold. Throat is suddenly sore in an all too crappily familiar way. 🙁

    Beer is medicinal, right? I’ve got the good stuff, if it matters.

    Progress was made. I’ve still got a lot to do. I’m suddenly realising that I way, way underquoted on this job. Albie’s gettin’ a bargain!

    @FryingPan CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so, so glad to hear it. Catch me on chat and fill me in on the awesome details. 🙂

  • Gym Firsts

    You gotta lift…
    I’ve started noticing some real, objective fitness improvements at the gym. Yesterday during our circuit I managed to skip rope for the entire 90-second rotation without stopping or messing up. My calves were aching afterwards. Then Spudds sent me to the rowing machine and told me I was going to break 100m in 20s from a cold start. I’d only managed 100m once before, and that was with a slow 30s rolling start. He stood beside me and shouted “Go!”, then barked encouragement as I heaved the handle back and forth like a maniac. Final tally? 101m. I got a mighty high-five for that one. 🙂

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    @imdominating Just replace “Jurassic Park” with “anything with Jeff Goldblum” and I’m right there with you.

    @imdominating And he’s all hitting in Laura Dern with his Chaos Theory talk. *swoon*

    Trying out Tweetdeck. So far so good. Best intro to features: (Aside: Adobe Air is everywhere now, huh?)

    People keep bringin’ chocolate eggs to my desk! Which should make me more motivated for boxing but oddly seems to be having opposite effect.

    @DDsD The Arts Preview was enough for me. If you get a chance, stop by my jumper & grumble loudly that it should have won.

    @imdominating *shudder* I saw online today somebody making Sm’peeps. S’mores with Peeps as the marshmallow. THE HORROR.

    Today’s gym firsts: 101m in 20s on the rowing machine (w/ cold start), and 90s continuous jump roping. So glad I went!

    Heading to Morris & Sons for the SnB. Even though I have nothing on the needles at the moment.

    At Broadway. Lines are pretty long at both Liquorland and Baker’s Delight. Everybody is stocking up on the necessities!

    Essentials procured. Now settling in for 4 days of sleeping in. Bliss.

    @mrs_sockvictim Yeah. At one point I was pleading with Petey: “PLEASE go back to sleep! Quit trying to knock everything off the dresser!”

    @Timmay83 Yikes! That’s what happens when you start drinking at 3:30. Also – post pics.

    is starting work on new M&S site redesign. Probably going to take up my whole holiday weekend and then some.

  • Easter Show Photos

    Mary-Helen has posted her Easter Show recap, including loads of photos. Here’s Na Craga again, and here’s my Widdershins-clad leg. And oh look! There’s the Snook. She also got a few of the amazing cake decorating, which my sister will like.