16 Depression Era Money Saving Tips. Growing a garden is on there! The Snook is also interested in getting some power meters so we can see which of our appliances is sucking the most electricity.
Month: April 2009
Mimi Kirchner’s Hand Sewn Felt Doll. I really want to make one of those for Indie.
Same Sex Marriage
Peter Sagal refutes the arguments against same-sex marriage. Go Peter! And Nate Silver crunches data that shows that voter resistance to same-sex marriage is weakening every single year. According to his numbers, even Indiana wouldn’t be able to pass a Constitutional ban on it as early as 2015.
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Really, I guess the next best thing to winning is losing in such a way that all your friends keep saying “you were robbed.” That’s nice.
98yo Italian woman rescued from rubble after being trapped for 30 hours. What did she do in there? Crochet. http://bit.ly/27LiPH
@DDsD I never saw one with ‘crumpet’ on it in the US. No one there even knows what a crumpet is.
@kdelarue Hey, there’s a name I recognise! Yep, it’s me! 🙂
@kdelarue I haven’t touched mine in years. Just can’t bear to kill it off though. It still gets loads of traffic, so somebody’s using it.
My replies tab isn’t showing today’s replies. Anybody else seeing that?
Gridlock in Sydney CBD. Police car in middle of Elizabeth St intersection. Related to protest?
Playing Wii with Rodd’s nephew Kurt. Rodd seemingly incapable of letting 9yo win Wii Bowling. Also, we had beer. Bad babysitters!
@glittertrash You’re making me want another beer.
We’ve got the little one playing Guitar Hero. His parents are going to kill us. http://twitpic.com/2zv4d
Nephew deposited safely back into the arms of his parents. Only slightly corrupted. Now I need paracetamol. #fb
@redambition You need a cat! It’d still be nasty, but it’d also be DEAD.
Silly photos with nephew. http://tinyurl.com/c9wa37 Finally time for bed, I think…
Of all the ways to start the day, I would not have predicted this morning would involve ingesting Napi-San.
@venks79 Filling bucket for smelly gym clothes. Air pocket in water line. Explosion. Ergo, covered in Napi-San. Tastes like salt, actually.
Filling bucket for smelly gym clothes. Air pocket in water line. Explosion. Ergo, covered in Napi-San. Tastes like salt, actually.
An Evening with Kurt!
An Evening with the Nephew!
The Snook’s sister and brother-in-law were going out for a special dinner tonight so they asked if we’d mind looking after our nephew. We confidently said, “Sure!” while secretly fearing that we’d be lost trying to entertain a nine-year-old for three hours. But then we remembered, hey! We’re ALL ABOUT the nine-year-old mentality. So we fed him cookies and hot chocolate, played some Wii, jammed on Guitar Hero, and messed around with Photo Booth.We all had a great time. (I got some video of him dancing while playing Guitar Hero that his father has specifically requested I save for his 21st birthday. That’s quality entertainment.) And hooray! We looked after an impressionable youth for several hours and he came out unscathed.
SMH Star Trek Quiz
SMH Star Trek Quiz. I got 64%, which is nerdier than the general population but not a full-on Trekkie.
The Power of Crochet
A 98-year-old woman was pulled from Italy’s earthquake rubble after spending 30 hours trapped in her house. What did she do while she was trapped? She crocheted.
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@titus_atticus Rockets are cool. I’m not a huge fan of FPS though. Also, he only did *slightly* better than me on SATs. I like geniuses.
Ugh. Dealing with message board trolls who insinuate their detractors are un-Australian. And you thought knitters were all polite.
On the train to Olympic Park. Have to change at that weird little platform in Lidcombe. *sigh* Driving probably isn’t any better, right?
@witty_knitter Just random attention seeker who always gets oddly patriotic when she’s being chastised. Fun for the new mods. 🙂
We’re here! Rav badge in place.
Highly friggin’ commended, same as last year. And they’ve effing MANGLED it in the hanging. #fb http://twitpic.com/2y7go
It’s the Stig! Robbed of a ribbon by the Greenhowe clones, of course. http://twitpic.com/2y82b
Many, many glasses of wine. Lots of Ravelers. Photos were taken. Much merriment. Naked marquetry. It’s all a bit much. #fb
On the train home. Three sheets to the wind. Snook got a pic of me with his poor fish-lined jumper. #fb http://twitpic.com/2yabz
@knitness I have a Ravelry button for you. You must remind me. Many wines. Will leave it in my bag for Thursday.
@knitness Me too. Just posted horrible, ungrateful blog post about the whole schmozzle.
@lotsofco I totally know that feeling. Actually feeling PROUD of a cat and knowing that you’re anthropomorphizing but still… proud. 🙂
@venks79 But they do have a fantastic domain name.