Month: April 2009

  • Highly Commended… Again

    Na Craga and MeHighly Commended… Again
    So I didn’t get the friggin’ blue ribbon. I told the Snook on the way to the Arts Preview tonight that me knitting Na Craga was pretty much the equivalent of Kate Winslet doing a Holocaust movie. I was pandering, and I knew it. If ever I had a shot, this was the year. We arrived and immediately ran into a couple Ravelers. “We won’t spoil it,” they said. “Go look for yourself.” I dragged Snookums through the throng to the knitting cases. And there was my beautiful jumper, completely bunched up and mangled with fishing line… and with a red “Highly Commended” ribbon on it. Again. I know I am a complete and utter ingrate, but I had to strain to be cheerful. Despite my protestations to the contrary over the past couple of weeks, it appears that I really did have a lot vested into the outcome of the contest. I know it’s silly. Still, I couldn’t help but look upon the blue ribbon winner – a cream cardigan with BOBBLES, for god’s sake – with scorn. Don’t they know how hot Snookums looked in it? Grrr. Anyway, I quickly drowned my sorrows at the open bar. (Hey, if they’re going to charge me $25 plus transport to get out there, I’m going to make it worth my while.) There were loads of Ravelers present, and we even managed to get together for a group picture. Congrats to Donna and Ailsa and Sally and Emma and Gemma, and everyone else who exhibited and who I missed in my irritated drunkenness. HOWEVER, I was extremely pleased to see that Gary Gentle has continued his wonderful tradition of naked lady marquetry. His 2009 entry was exceptionally exquisite!

  • The Locavore’s Dilemma

    The Locavore’s Dilemma. One woman’s struggle to use up the abundance of vegetables in her CSA that she doesn’t particularly like. I’ll be interested to see what sort of stuff we get in the winter. So far there have only been a few things that have been problematic for us: curly endive, silverbeet, celery, and oranges. (Yes, oranges. They really pile up if you don’t eat them regularly, and juicing by hand is a pain.) Some people get really freaked out when I tell them about our veggie box and that we don’t usually get to choose what’s in it. I guess we tend to think of it as a fun challenge, and it’s a good excuse to try out recipes you might not have otherwise. (Link courtesy of Mary-Helen.)

  • Stipey on Ravelry!

    Fun discovery! One of Michael Stipe’s friends is a knitter, and he regularly models her stuff for her Ravelry notebook.

  • Tropical Cat Explosion

    I think I just saw God in a Snuggie.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @titus_atticus Half mine are spam. I want Twitter to identify them. “You are being followed by x, who’s 90% likely to be a lame marketroid.”

    Anybody ever run a requirements workshop before? Looking for tips or links to advice.

    Hm. Leaving work in the dark. Not so fun.

    is cold. Suddenly it turned into winter in the past 4 hours! Too bad Snook won’t let me get oil heater out til ANZAC day. #fb

    Pumkin/leek stew is simmering on the stove, and honey nut cookies are baking in the oven.

    is warning buddies going to Arts Preview tomorrow night NOT TO POST SPOILERS before I get there! I want my blue ribbon to be a surprise. #fb

    @randomknits I just like the idea of introducing trash talk to a knitting competition. YOU BETTER BRING IT, BEEYOTCH! 🙂

    spent last 10 minutes arguing over plots of Bloodsport & Kickboxer. Should have known better than to challenge Snook on JCVD ouevre! #fb

    got up early to go to Coles & get cat litter since we’re completely out and the cats are pissed. Yet another reason why we don’t have kids.

    AWESOME. @grantimahara, my fave Mythbuster (and source of Snook jealousy) is on Twitter! I’m a sucker for a nice guy who builds robots.

    @redambition Sell the old one! Probable get a couple hundred bucks to offset The New Hotness.

    I think I just saw God in a Snuggie. #fb

  • Cool and Sweet Dessert

    Argh! What was I thinking, baking cookies? I should’ve made Yoko’s Cool and Sweet Dessert. There aren’t many recipes that include the line: “Make sure to chant an affirmation that this sweet desert will bring peace and love to the lives of all who eat it.”

  • Autumn Yumminess

    Autumn Yumminess
    Man, there has been a distinct chill in the air these last couple evenings! Tonight as I was heading out of work in the dark – we finally had Daylight Savings – I found myself thinking of warm, sustaining comfort food. We still had loads of veg from the box on the weekend. I got home and set to work making pumpkin, potato, and leek soup. While that was simmering on the stove, I decided that we needed some sort of treat to go along with it. A quick check of the pantry revealed several partial containers of honey that needed to be used up. Honey nut cookies!

    Pumpkin Soup and Honey Nut Cookies   Chocolate & Beetroot Cake

    The cookies turned out great. I subbed in walnuts for the cashews since that’s what I had to hand. I was worried at the shininess and wetness of the dough, but they didn’t spread too much in the oven. The soup was hearty and filling, if not exactly complicated in terms of flavour. (It’s basically onion, potato, and pumpkin simmered in milk for 45 minutes, then blended before adding fried leek and boiled white rice.) It’s very cheap though, and we’ve got plenty left over for lunch.

    The second photo there is of the Chocolate and Beetroot Cake that the Snook made on Saturday. As Rachel guessed, it was pretty earthy. However, it was still really good. I’m not the hugest fan of beetroot – I tend to think it tastes like dirt – but it was very well masked by the cocoa in the cake. It turned out dense and moist, and if you didn’t know that it had beets in it I doubt you’d guess. Parents – this is a good one to trick your kids into eating vegetables!

  • In defense of musicals

    Some nice discussion in defense of musicals over at AskMetafilter. I always have to bookmark these things because every few years the Snook declares he hates all musicals, and I have to point out that that’s a silly thing to say.

  • Happy birthday, Indie!

    Happy birthday to my gorgeous niece Indie, who turned 1-year-old over the weekend. My sister has just posted photos of the party. She made an amazing three-tiered birthday cake complete with a fondant Indie and a marzipan Buster.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @witty_knitter Oh crap! Thanks for reminder. Was meant to get stew going in slow cooker by now. Oops.

    @crumpet He’s intrigued. You must feel we’re tempting you with something. What is it? The siren drug of… CAT OWNERSHIP?? 🙂

    is all kinds of messed up from Daylight Savings. Still, got lots done today. Now it’s time for bed– Wait. At 8:30?? Yeah, messed up.

    Went for a short run. @runkeeper had a pretty hilarious GPS glitch: No, I’m not fast enough to run on water!

    @runkeeper Think I left wi-fi on this time. Usually it’s fine on normal route, but today was just glitch. Looking forward to next release!

    @mrs_sockvictim There’s nothing like running straight off the head into the sunrise. Very refreshing! 🙂