Month: May 2009

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    Willy Wagtail is flitting around the garden, flagrantly showing off in front of Petey, who cracked his head on the glass trying to get him.

    Just completed a 4.16 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Just completed a 4.84 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    That was actually one single loooong run. I lost GPS halfway through and had to restart. My back ached the whole way. 🙁

    Coq au vin is simmering on the stove. Time for a glass of wine. Feeling very FRONCH tonight!

    “Wow! So this weekend we finally got contents insurance and I told you what I want you to do with my corpse. I feel so grown-up.”

    @Justacogitating I took it to mean she was leaving to ESCAPE guys she didn’t want to be with. Which sucks, but better than your version!

    Trying to decide if new person at work used “Chester draws” ironically in her email about furniture for sale. I fear not.

  • May = Suck

    Huh. Not very productive on the blogging front here lately, am I? It’s been a sucky couple of weeks, actually. There’s been a lot going on at work, and I’ve had too many extra commitments happening on my weekends. My back hurts. The weather is cold. My stomach is playing up again. The cats have been waking me up too early. I’m just worn out.

    That said, I finally got to have a nice, relaxing weekend. Friday night we went to Nilgiris in St. Leonards for Amy’s birthday. That was fun! We had this way cool little private cushion room upstairs, and the food was excellent. Saturday the Snook and I finally made it over to the Eveleigh Farmers’ Market, where we battled hipsters for ingredients to make coq au vin. (The recipe is in the latest Delicious magazine; uses spatchcock instead of rooster.) I spent a great deal of both Saturday and Sunday working on a knitted vest for Andrew and Kathleen‘s new baby. (Congratulations, guys!) Tonight I went for a long 70min run around Glebe and Newtown, which was okay except for my back aching. We had our coq au vin (which was excellent). We finally picked out a contents insurance plan (spurred on by reports of recent burglaries). And now I’m really looking forward to bed.


  • We Are Married Too

    We Are Married Too – a great new blog from my friends Matt and Christopher. I know a few other couples I need to send this to…

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    Went to Eveleigh Farmers’ Market. Not sure which was more annoying: crowds of inner west hipsters or paying $7 for a tub of cream cheese.

    Actually, it turned out to be damn good cream cheese, so the seven bucks seems justified.

  • New nephew

    Hooray! After more than a few false alarms, my new nephew Mason Anthony Howard was born a few hours ago. Sounds like everybody is doing okay. Congratulations to Ant and Kara!

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    Guidelines for writing better use cases: Food for thought.

    It’s odd how getting email from the company that sacked you 6 months before still brings on immediate feelings of annoyance and bitterness.

    @kdelarue Very interesting. I got an email the other day from somebody reading it who managed to find my site. I’ll have to look for it…

    @kdelarue Treglown (prev biographer) thought that Dahl exaggerated a lot of his “spy” activities. Wonder if Conant has actual evidence…

    This is disgusting. An Indian friend told me of a narrow escape from violent racist bogans in Bondi few weeks ago:

    On my way to a special birthday dinner for @gadgetgirl70… 🙂

    Hooray! It’s Amy blowing out her candles…

    So stuffed with Indian food. Nilgiris in St Leonards = highly recommended, especially if you get a private cushion room!

    Hooray! I’ve got a new little nephew: Mason Anthony Howard. Congrats to Ant and Kara!

    @Justacogitating I haven’t gotten much other than a pic. (Just emailed to you guys.) But presumably everything is okay!

    @bellsg Good grief. I thought the M&S server crashing last weekend was bad. At least we didn’t get friggin’ death threats over it.

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    Just found out that one of my best college friends is coming out to visit in October and gets to come to our Halloween party. YAY, EILEEN!

    @BostonSydney Don’t bother with train. It’s expensive and slow. It’s worth it to get a cab, especially if you can split with somebody else.

    Can this be right? They’re predicting near parity between AUD and USD by end of the year?!

    @BostonSydney Not terribly common, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Especially if you make any friends on the long, long flight over!

    @Gin_ev_ra I always thought the model in that ad looked like a drag queen. There’s a LOT of makeup happening there, and not in a good way.

    @eileenDCoE WOOHOO! Roomate and Roomater Down Under. I may have to break out the crayons for that one…

    @shanea You are totally invited. I need to provide @eileenDCoE with the widest possible range of single Aussie men. 🙂

    RT @neilhimself: RT @pussreboots: Is that why scientists are always losing their keys? <- Tell me about it. Right, @eileenDCoE? 🙂

    @twelveeyes Yeah, my cousin @imdominating sent me this link today: 🙂

    Heading to the city for knitting at the Grace Hotel. Anybody else going that way?

    Had a great time at knitting tonight. Probably 15+ knitters, and every single one on #ravelry as far as I could tell!

    Croque Monsieur – sandwich of the gods – about to come out of the oven…

    Oh, hells yeah!

    No no no… not burnt! Just some very brown cheese. It was beeyoootiful. Here’s the recipe:

    @steverunner We get similar laughs when the vet calls about our kitten Petey, whose full name is “Professor Death.” (Husband named him.)

    Just completed a 5.96 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    It’s like the 480 bus drivers have my picture up or something. Total ENEMIES, I tell you.

  • Cross Stitch Cars

    Cross stitch… ON CARS! That’s pretty neat. I’m still bitter that my Dad talked me out of stencil-painting my crappy car in high school.

  • Another baby

    Judging by his post on Facebook, my brother Anthony and his wife Kara went to the hospital to have their second child about seven hours ago! Can’t wait to get the update…

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    @steven_noble You never, NEVER ask a woman that question. EVER. Some of us just have pot bellies. I got asked it at the Geek Girl Dinner. 🙁

    @traceyh That actually made me light-headed to read. HOLY CRAP. Congratulations! Jovie is gorgeous. But man… I don’t know how you did it.

    Grrr. Samoan guy with crazy hair in a suit walking around the office. Reminds me of some movie. WHAT IS IT? I can’t remember…

    @imdominating Nah, it’s like a big ‘fro.


    If anybody in Sydney needs a good cleaner, ours has a few openings available. AND THEY ROCK. DM me for details.

    @Steffi_83 $70 to do our whole place. We get them in once a fortnight. They’ll give you a quote once they see your place. You want details?

    @crumpet Eh, it wasn’t that great. I was expecting something much more awesome.

    @Steffi_83 Pretty good. Had physio again today, so I took it easy on the rower. Eight of us from work, & more people = easier workout. 🙂

    I had to buy ear plugs rated to 33dB to drown out the daily 5am bouts of Cat Wrestlemania. Now you know why I’m grumpy in the morning.

    Just completed a 4.62 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    @venks79 Actually today they were pretty good! That’s just how contrary they are.

    Just got the new company phone list. ALL of my information is incorrect. FML.