Month: May 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    When you’re wearing clothes from the late 90’s, somehow it seems appropriate to put R.E.M. on random on the iPod.

    @acatinatree @misswired Um… I may have heard him say – just recently in fact – how much it sucked. Does that constitute premeditation?

    Going to go for a run in the park. Headache has been threatening all day; maybe this will clear it.

    RT @shanea: RT (like 12 other people): IT workers are best at sex: <- As you might guess, Twitter folks are ALL OVER THIS.

    I’m debating buying Reel Big Fish’s last album on iTunes. I’m just getting stuck on paying $17 for 11 songs mostly under 3 minutes…

    @Justacogitating In my experience, red wine usually cures insomnia.

    Much deserved kudos to the support staff at They were awesome helping sort out an SSL issue for

    Nearly done… nearly done…

    Done. I’m goin’ to bed. Gotta get up early for Knitters Guild draaaaaaaaama.

    Who wants in to the M&S sale site early?

    @knitsewmum They do checque and money order…

    @purple_velvet @knitsewmum @Camee Go for it!

    Oh for god’s sake. All the sale kits still say out of stock. Not my error.

    Site launched, I’m off to the Guild Special General Meeting.

    @knitsewmum As soon as I leave the house. Of course. It must be getting hammered! It was working before, right?

    @randomknits I think you have it cached. I can get to it from mine, or I could before it crashed. 🙁

    @redambition I’m on the train so will only just make it. Can you guys save me a seat?

  • Infinite Summer

    Infinite Summer – an online book club dedicated to reading David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest this (Northern) summer. I’ll keep my eyes open for a copy…

  • Plush Tauntaun with Frozen Luke

    Ohhhh, man! I so want a plush Tauntaun with a frozen Luke doll zipped inside its belly! Why doesn’t LucasArts come out with any toys as cool as the ones the fan community makes?

  • Ron + Romilda 4EVA

    Ha! LOVE this clip from the next Harry Potter movie, showing Ron’s (magical) blossoming of love for Romilda Vane…

  • RunPee

    RunPee, a website that tells you the best times to run for a bathroom break during a movie and what you miss while you’re away. I really like their animated logo.

  • How to Nail an Interview

    How to nail an interview. I’ve got a couple friends looking for work, and this looks like really good, practical advice (for all of us, really).

  • Fore-edge painting

    Fore-edge painting. That’s really neat! It’s a technique for making a hidden painting along the fanned pages of a book. (Link courtesy of Rebecca’s Pocket.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Good run this morning. Physio bruised my ass (literally), but she also got rid of 90% of my back pain. I ran faster & easier than usual!

    #ravelry-induced hypothesis: hats are the new socks. Discuss.

    @glittertrash My psychic knitting sense says we’re still a year or two away from the tea-cosy fad. You have to kickstart that one yourself!

    @twelveeyes I think it’s because it’s only just the 21st in the US now, so we haven’t had US Ravelers pitching in yet…

    Remember the Knitted Stig? Kate actually took it to the Top Gear AU studio and they’re going to show it!

    If any knitters are up and need distraction, I could use some testers and bug finders on the new M&S website!

    @twelveeyes Ooh, not sure. I just need an IP address. @AusVintageGrrl – you know the drill. and send to me for entry!

    @twelveeyes Wait, mobile internet or mobile phone? Probably not the latter! 🙂

    @bowenvale321 Sure, if you like! I need your IP address from to let you in.

    @knitness Heh. I’ll skip you, Drunky McDrunkerson! 😛

    @AusVintageGrrl Just DMed it! 🙂

    @knitness Okay, okay… No sobriety test needed. You’re in! Link DMed. 😛

    How to Get Punched By Your Wife: “Do you think I’d be a bad Mom?” “Maybe.” “WHAT?!”

    @venks79 Yeah. I was yelling obscenities at the cat when I realized it might not reflect well on me maternally. So I asked the question. 🙂

    Quick favor: Can you to go and make sure you see just a splash page? Cheers.

    @sharre Sweet, thanks!

    @virtual4now I use but they don’t have NB…

    Dear world: I have decreed that FLANNEL IS BACK. My favorite shirt has just come out of 8 years of retirement.

    @Timmay83 You’re not actually ON the plane yet, are you? ARE YOU TWEETING FROM BUSINESS CLASS?

    @Ezzles I’ve that got season on DVD if you want to borrow it. (It’s really good.)

  • Rocket Taps

    Note to Snook: When we finally redo our bathroom, I think we should seriously consider putting in rocket taps. (Or maybe I’ve just been watching too much Grand Designs…)