Month: May 2009

  • Tree Planting in Chippendale

    Digging compostTree Planting in Chippendale
    I got an email from Michael last week asking for volunteers to help plant a couple more fruit trees in our neighborhood. “What the heck,” I thought. I put my hand up. So Saturday morning at 10:30 I found myself digging out compost from the community bins in the Peace Park. I seemed to be the only volunteer, which was a little disheartening. I managed to fill several large bins, then headed to Michael’s to help get the trees ready. The day was hot and I was already exhausted. I was in his back garden helping transplant a rather large citrus tree when suddenly I heard a familiar voice. “Need any help?” It was the Snook. His scheduled Warcraft raid got cancelled, so he came to lend a hand. I can’t tell you how awesome it felt to see him there, like the cavalry had arrived. We eventually managed to transport a wheelbarrow with the tree, several bins of compost, buckets of water, shovels, and a pick several blocks to the top of Myrtle Street (right near the intersection with City Road). Thankfully we were joined by local resident Jeff, who was a retired landscape gardener. Michael’s son Julian also added muscle. Snookums and I got to work digging a massive hole for the big tree while Jeff dealt with the smaller one. Finally, three hours after we started, we had two established trees and a whole lot of aching muscles. I took plenty of pictures along the way…Snookums digs a hole
    My wonderful manly husband digs a hole.

    The hole
    A rather desolate view at the top of Myrtle Street.

    Snookums plants the tree
    The tree has been planted! Snookums shovels on compost and mulch.

    Jeff plants his tree
    Jeff plants his tree. The metal frame was wired to a stake, which we hoped would discourage people from stealing the tree. (Apparently this is a problem.)

    Jeff's tree
    Jeff’s planted tree.

    The men lug compost
    The boys haul a big bucket of compost. I carried one of those all the way up the street myself (which is why I can barely lift my arms today).

    A pumpkin!
    The pumpkins on Myrtle Street are fruiting! Too bad mine aren’t.

    Michael's chickens
    I paid a visit to Michael’s chickens…

    Native beehive
    …and his beehive! These are (stingless) native Australian bees.

    Needless to say, we’re both pretty sore today. It was nice to do a good deed in the neighborhood though.

  • Geek Girl Dinner – Microsoft

    Me and Kunaal playing Xbox at MicrosoftGeek Girl Dinner – Microsoft
    This past Thursday, I left work early and joined Kunaal on a train out to (the new) North Ryde Station. We were heading to Microsoft for this month’s Geek Girl Dinner. (The Snook had planned to go with me, but he had a work deadline so Kunaal took the spot instead.) I have to say, I was a bit underwhelmed by the Microsoft Sydney offices. I guess I was spoiled by Google and Yahoo last month, but I expected more than just a normal, sterile cube farm. (At least they didn’t make me sign an NDA.) We signed in and were directed to a lounge filled with party pies and bottles of Coke. Huh? It felt like a kids’ party. (Not to mention the fact that my iPhone couldn’t connect to Twitter through their “guest” Wi-Fi. Whatever, Bill!) Luckily we met up with alyshajane and her husband, who were fun. We were then herded into a conference room for the Lego “Serious Play” portion of the evening. We all had small packets of Lego, which we were instructed to use to illustrate challenges and issues facing women in technology. We then had to each explain our “stories” to the other people. Honestly, I thought this part of the evening was a little “touchy-feely” for me. I wanted the evening to celebrate women in tech, not simply to provide a group whinge session about what was wrong. Still, I had a nice time with the folks at our table (including Kate Carruthers, who was tweeting right beside me). After the Lego, we headed down to the Xbox lounge for more food, alcohol (finally!), and free play on half a dozen Xboxes. Kunaal and I jumped on Guitar Hero. So overall this wasn’t my favorite GGD so far, but I did end up having a good time.

    Some of our Lego models     Kunaal with some of our Lego models

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just spent 3 hours planting fruit trees on Myrtle Street with neighbours. Pretty shattered & tired now, but feel we’ve done our civic duty.

    I am strangely burnt out on the Internet this weekend. No particular reason; just need a break, I guess. I’ll probably be back tomorrow.

  • Offline

    I am strangely burnt out on the Internet this weekend. No particular reason; just need a bit of a break, I guess. I’ll probably be back tomorrow.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RIP Bud Tingwell.

    I just approved my new business cards with “Business Analyst” as the job title. I got tingles from the official-ness of it all.

    Wait a minute. Wasn’t there supposed to be a Fragdoll at #ggds last night? Did I miss her?

    @Bex_the_Femme Hahahaha… I’ll go, but I’m sure Rodd will want to come with us. 🙂

    If the whole Matthew Johns thing makes ME want to cry from comments by guys I know, I can only imagine what this Clare is going through.

    @twelveeyes Keep ’em coming. I have been forwarding to folks at work and cracking up… 🙂

    Oh ffs. Tried to impress sister with news of seeing Liza Minelli in November, and it turns out SHE MET HER at a wedding. Seriously.

    @twelveeyes That one made me laugh out loud.

    I don’t even know what this is, but if laughing at RPattz macros is wrong, I don’t wanna be right:

    Just saw two RATS in Hyde Park, which is two more than ever before. *shudder*

    @venks79 12! (Do I get a prize if I guess right?)

    @misswired Ha! He was killin time waiting for me. 🙂

    Ended up at Lowenbrau with @kunaal84, @Steffi_83, @Timmay83, @shanea, and several others. Had pork knuckle the size of my head. Now, sleep.

    @Timmay83 Damn you 20somethings. The oldies were in bed by then. 🙂

  • Geekbooks

    Geekbooks – little notebooks made from vintage computer punch cards and green dot matrix paper. WANT. Do I need to know anything about bookbinding to make something like that?

  • Make Way for Ducklings

    I had no idea that Boston’s “Make Way for Ducklings” sculpture was such a target for theft and vandalism.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    How a couple interns stole moon rocks from NASA: Hilarious part: they put them on the bed and DID IT amongst them.

    @alyshajane Oh fun, so we get to meet up! I have found a replacement non-threatening guy to fill Snook’s spot. Hello @kunaal84! 🙂

    This office is so cold my fingers are numb. Hm… Steaming hot coffee at Toby’s is sounding like the goer for lunch.

    RT @twelveeyes: RT @mikestuchbery Trespass Magazine’s coverage of the NRL sex fiasco is pretty good reading, folks ->

    Only in marketing-land is “easypay” an actual adjective.

    @venks79 Just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean it’s not immoral. He’s not a good role model for his sport.

    Had a beautiful chicken salad down at Toby’s, where all the beautiful people come to get coffee, on a beautiful autumn Sydney day.

    @misswired It’s definitely busted. I can’t see this tweet in my timeline either.

    Tweets finally starting to come through again. Wonder if the ones that fell through the cracks will appear?

    @glittertrash Ooh, yes! Actually, I think Michael of Sustainable House has introduced native hive in Chippo. Will ask him on Saturday.

    @glittertrash Actually, I found email describing installing the hive. It came from here:

    Waiting for North Ryde train at Chatswood. On our way to Geek Girl Dinner! #ggds

    So far Microsoft = party pies and Coke in plastic cups. Like a bad kids’ party. And wifi won’t access Twitter. FAIL! #ggds

    Lego Challenge: build a tower with a twist of diversity. #ggds

    Just realized I’m sitting next to @kcarruthers! #ggds


    Kunaal and our Lego battlescene (which somehow represents challenges facing women in tech). #ggds

    Beer and nibblies in the Xbox lounge. Okay, Bill, this is definitely a step in the right direction.. #ggds

    Kunaal and I rippin’ it up on Guitar Hero. #ggds

    @venks79 I have no preference. That’s just what Tweetie uses. (I switched from TwitterFon recently.) I didn’t even notice at first!

    Home from Geek Girl Dinner. Much fun with @alyshajane, @corinoco, @kcarruthers, @acatinatree, @MrAndyPuppy, and of course my boy @kunaal84.

    @corinoco I noticed, but I also noticed several of them were American. I figured there might be cultural norms at play too.

    @alyshajane AHHHHHH, I SO want to go there! Please post photos.

    Just completed a 5.16 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Just got tix to see the fabulous Liza Minelli in November at the Ent. Center. Now I just need the appropriate “Lucille 2” shirt to wear!

    Fun. Listening to male co-workers demand pics from #ggds. Not of the Lego. Of the “hot geek babes.” I wish I could say they’re being ironic.

    Woo! Discovered how to ignore conversation notifications in Skype. Thanks @kunaal84…

  • Gayest thing ever.

    The absolute best summation of the Matthew Johns controversy I’ve read all week: “It’s the gayest thing ever.” And she means it in the literal sense. HA!

  • Kriek! Nooo!

    Please, oh please don’t let them tax the Kriek even more! It’s my favorite import.