Month: May 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @AusVintageGrrl North Sydney. I emailed you details…

    Oh man, WHAT? You mean PACEY auditioned for Captain Kirk? JJ Abrams, YOU’RE KILLING ME.

    @wookie_man Just normal free-to-air SBS eps on Saturday night. We’re too cheap for Foxtel! This weekend it’s replaced by Eurovision though.

    @imdominating Yep! Brief review on the blog. I liked it a lot. 🙂

    Poll: Would you hyphenate “logged in”? (Usage: “Logged in users should…”) If so, how would you hyphenate “non logged in”?

    @alyshajane Not sure. DM me your email and I’ll forward the lady’s number. A couple people are signed up, I think!

    @wookie_man @sharre What if it were in a heading? Like “Home Page – Logged In Users” and “Home Page – Non Logged In Users”?

    Ooh, the Snook has probably the best answer: Screw “logged in” and use “authenticated”. 🙂

    @wookie_man I need to differentiate between the two cases.

    @Steffi_83 I’m there! I’ll get Snooky to come after work if he can.

    Anybody know what time the festivities are starting for Geek Girl Sydney tomorrow? May not make it by 6 depending on traffic… @damana?

    @damana Yeah, but there will be mingle time at the beginning, right? Just wondering how early to leave work and catch a train…

    SO COLD. Wishing I had an electric blanket tonight. The Snook and his crazy heat-generating metabolism will have to do.

    Just discovered notorious Rav troll has changed her name. You know who. RougeTricot. I recognised it by her “writing” style.

    @sharre I had the exact same thought. And then she started blaming the victim and referencing Twilight and that killed it.

    Snook is bailing on me for Geek Girl Dinner. Any guys want to go? Otherwise will release our spots to waiting list…

    @misswired He’s got a killer deadline he’s working on. 🙁

  • Mother’s Day Classic Photos

    The photographs from the Mother’s Day Classic are now up! How hardcore am I? And check me out blowing past a couple guys pushing strollers.

    Mother's Day Classic 2009

    I’ve grabbed the others from the site as well.Mother's Day Classic 2009   Mother's Day Classic 2009

    Mother's Day Classic 2009

    Mother's Day Classic 2009

  • What’s My Age Again?

    We were twenty minutes early for the movie last night, so while we were killing time Snookums told me to watch this YouTube video. It’s a BBC commercial with a choir that sings Blink 182’s “What’s My Age Again”. Oh, and there’s a little person who sings a solo.

  • Star Trek

    Star Trek
    Well, I certainly enjoyed Star Trek more than Ebert did! I loved all the references and fan service. I think Karl Urban was my favorite; Bones just cracked me up whenever he was onscreen. I also rather enjoyed the never-commented-on fact that female crew members in the 23rd century dress like 1960’s go-go dancers. I have to say though, I really wanted Sylar-as-Spock to be sexier. The love story was played almost too subtly for my liking. (Or maybe I’ve just read too much fanfic…)

  • Please help out Kel!

    Please help out Kel!
    My good college buddy Kelly McMahon is trying to win a contest to throw out the first pitch at a Cubs game. Seriously, Kel is the biggest Cubs fan I know and this is a lifelong dream. All you need to do is sign up to an email newsletter and put her as the referrer. (You can use an old crappy address if you want to.) Just go here and be sure to put as the referrer. Thanks!

  • Knitting on TV

    Any Sydney knitters free on Friday morning? The Guild got contacted by a producer looking for 3-4 people to be knitting in the background for a segment on a new TV show. Contact me if you want the details.

  • Teeth Falling Out

    I dreamt last night that my teeth were falling out. The feeling is still with me, so I looked it up this morning. There are numerous interpretations… none of them good.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Judging by @grantimahara’s tweets, Australia is getting new Mythbusters eps BEFORE the US! We saw exploding bumpers this past weekend!

    I don’t drive so I never listen to current radio. Just discovered Eric Hutchinson’s “Rock and Roll” and LOVE IT. What else is like this?

    @Bex_the_Femme I KNOW. As I always say, get me @grantimahara’s autograph on a picture of his robot and I will be forever grateful. 🙂

    @Bex_the_Femme No stalking! Just nerd admiration from afar. I heart guys who carry scientific calculators.

    @misswired Is s/he wearing a toque with a pompom on top? As a fellow N. American, I know they like it when you address them as “hoser.”

    Writing a new spec. I love when I ask a dev how difficult something is and they surprise me with “Not very.”

    @BostonSydney I’m a dualie. They don’t make you renounce anything anymore. Here’s a more extended version of my path:

    @sharre I’ll admit to feeling a little weird when I see people directly addressing celebs. I prefer to just follow and talk ABOUT them. 🙂

    Chili basil chicken at Big Boy Thai on Stanley Street. Yum.

    @BostonSydney I was in Oz for years before getting married. It’s not a requirement here. They have “defacto” which is like common-law.

    @BostonSydney I’ve got you confused! PM your email address. I came in on defacto spouse visa, which doesn’t require actual marriage.

    @Timmay83 NO WAY! CONGRATS! (When is the housewarming?)

    @Steffi_83 Congratulations on the house!

    @shanea Good luck! I want to hear all about it – the parts you can remember – afterwards.

    Trying to decide whether to fight our way into a Star Trek screening on Tight Arse Tuesday…

    Tickets booked! Star Trek tonight at 7:30 at George Street. (Who knew Greater Union had assigned seating?! Weird.)

    I blow-dried my hair today w/ center part instead of side & got told I looked like Kaylee from Firefly! Yay, compliment.

    Me: “I have a sudden urge to wear a minidress and boots.” Snook: “You’re allowed!”

    Got email from web host warning that my blog exceeded monthly bandwidth limit by 2 MILLION MB. Uh, no. Server reporting fail. #fb

    @michaelengle People in my ND class protested that our speaker wasn’t “important” enough. Now they’ve got the friggin’ President!

    @imdominating @Leetha “Runs” is a strong word. More like “ran it ten years ago, but now just collects the Google checks every month.”

    Any Sydney knitters free Friday morning? Channel 7 needs 3-4 people to be knitting in the background on a new show. Contact me for details.

  • Carrot Cake Cookies

    Carrot-Cake Cookies
    I forgot to mention that I did, in fact, make Martha’s Carrot-Cake Cookies on Sunday. They’re really good, but they’re not very carrot-cakey. More like an oatmeal cookie with a bit of carrot in it. Actually, with the cream cheese filling they really remind me of Little Debbie Oatmeal Pies! That’s probably your closest analog.

  • Punch-Out for Wii

    Nice. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out is coming to the Wii, thus fulfilling the promise of the Power Glove twenty years ago. My brother got the Power Glove for Christmas and tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to get it to work with Punch-Out. The technology back then required you to always return your punching hand to the same position, which was pretty much beyond the grasp of three uncoordinated kids. The Wii MotionPlus should finally allow him to live out his Mike Tyson-ass-kicking dream.