Month: June 2009

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    I was feeling so much better today… until I realised my left ear & jaw are aching. An ear infection just after fighting off a virus? ARGH.

    Ha! The Knitted Stig actually made it on to the show:

    @misswired My friend Kate – the one whose blog is linked. She put him in the Royal Easter Show this past year. 🙂

    @Ezzles Might need to engage your services later this year, actually! Our place is nicely high-tech. 🙂

    Listening to @ironbrandon on my way home and wishing I felt good enough to go for a run.

    @Ezzles probably the US to visit the fam at the end of the year. We’ll need somebody to herd our idiot cats.

    Broadway Newsagency has crowd control barriers up to deal with crazed lottery ticket buyers. No, I didn’t buy in.

    Hm. Suddenly realized that conversations with the Snook occur across the unbreachable chasm dividing the world of the BA and the developer.

    Just completed a 4.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    I feel great! Got some drops at chemist last night that helped earache. Went for 1st run in a week today & had ZERO shin issues. Yay July!

  • Persian Love Cake

    I really need to make the Snook a Persian Love Cake. Looks like something he’d like!

  • There, I Fixed It

    There, I Fixed It. Ha! It’s like CraftFail but for DIY and home repair.

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    Wait, wait… Did a lesbian knitting group from the Netherlands just refer to the SSKers as “crafters” and invite them to a new group?? o_O

    I stand corrected. They hit every group on Ravelry that had “Sydney” in the description, apparently.

    @mrs_sockvictim I did too! I gave away my sneaky trick the other night, didn’t I? 🙂

    @j_wren Feel free. I was more amused than annoyed. Go get ’em!

    Where the hell are the Park St buses? Been waiting 10 minutes. Have seen every Newtown bus 3 times…

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    Oy vey. One of the people booked in for my sock class was a 9-year-old. Who gave up halfway through. And who then puked in the shop.

    @crumpet @glittertrash Ooh, we just got some Black Russians in yesterday’s veggie box. Very nice.

    Bailing on Rachel’s Stitch and Bitch in favor of going back to bed. Talk about a lost weekend…

    Feeling a lot better. House is a wreck and I accomplished nothing all weekend, but at least I can stop munching paracetamol.

    Still in bed. Going to take one more day to rest and shake this bug.

  • When Virii Attack

    Sick. Ugh. I felt kind of crappy and tired last weekend, but it never turned into anything so I figured I fought it off. Turns out that wasn’t quite the case. Friday morning at work I suddenly became aware of a telltale tingling in my lip. Cold sore! Again! This is my second one this year, which is way more frequent than usual. I guess I was more sick and/or stressed than I thought last week. The problem is that as I’ve gotten older, my reaction to the virus has gotten more and more extreme. Having a blister is the least of my worries. The lymph nodes under that side of my jaw swell up and get painful and tender. If it’s really bad, I get shooting pains (neuralgia) all the way up the side of my face. That leads to a headache. It’s really pretty awful, and it can take more than a week to heal. Anyway, after my last one Dr. Chin gave me a prescription for an antiviral. The key, he said, was that I had to take it IMMEDIATELY when I noticed the symptoms. Of course, the prescription was at home and I was at work. I went to a drugstore at lunch to get some Zovirax and ask the chemist how long the window was for taking the antiviral. He said I could still take it that night when I got home, but the sooner the better. I finished up what work I could and then left early at 4pm. I grabbed the script at home and went straight to get it filled ($28 for three pills!). By then my lip was getting puffier and I was feeling more and more crappy. I took the antiviral, then doped up with lysine, vitamin C, and paracetamol. I basically spent all day yesterday in bed, which is pretty unusual for me. (I rarely nap.) The good news is that I think the antivirals have helped. The blister started disappearing yesterday and is now nearly gone. My glands are tender, but it’s manageable with painkillers. And I never got the shooting neuralgia pains, which is a big relief. I still feel dizzy and tired, and I’m annoyed that I’m going to miss my long run for the third week in a row. Still, it feels like this is going to be a much shorter recovery time. Back to bed, I guess…

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    Have spent nearly entire day in bed, only stirring briefly for last visit to Bourke St Bakery. *sob* Time to try sitting up, I guess.

    @rhagern Heh. You’re not an idiot; it’s only had search for the past 2 weeks. (It was in 3.0 update.)

    Time to pop some paracetamol and man up for a trip into the city. My knitting students must not be disappointed!

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    Wow. Change of plans. Thanks to @lachlanhardy, just realised that buying iPhone outright from Apple is best deal of all. Cancelling Optus!

    @wookie_man We changed tack. Getting outright from Apple store now. Snook is in the queue as we speak. 🙂

    Jeff Goldblum story was a hoax, and a two-year-old hoax at that:

    @SupFarn Yep, official site says “outright purchase.” 32Gb $1049 or 16Gb $849. Snook reports queue at Sydney store but “they have plenty”.

    @SupFarn Apologies. $879 for 16GB.

    @twelveeyes Saw it on Twitter today. Snook has verified at Apple Store. 32Gb $1049 or 16Gb $879 for “outright purchase.”

    Just realized girl in front of me at chemist was getting morning-after pill. Suddenly puts own life stresses into perspective.

    Not feeling very well. Going to skip the Friday night drinks and head home for rest. 🙁

    New iPhone is set up and synced. Yay! Tested out video camera and compass. Snook is entranced with my hand-me-down 3G.

    Ugh. Virus. I feel sleepy and nauseated, and I haven’t even gotten out of bed.

  • iPhone 3GS

    New iPhone
    Yes, I’m a bit of a Mac fangirl, but you have to believe this wasn’t my idea. The Snook started thinking about getting an iPhone a few months ago. (It was all due to wurdle, really, which he played whenever I set my phone down.) I told him he should just get one of the old 3G ones, because they’d be cheaper when the new ones came in. Except they aren’t. They’ve discontinued the 16GB (which is the one he wanted), and none of them have come down in price in Australia. So he started crunching numbers on plans, and he worked out that it was only a little bit more expensive to get a 3GS. Then, since he didn’t really care about video and a better camera, he’d swap with me! I got my phone unlocked last week so it would work with his Exetel SIM. The Snook is at the extreme low end in phone usage, so the original plan was just to get the Optus $19 Cap Plan (which actually had a lower TCO than buying the pre-paid iPhone from Vodafone and unlocking). We ordered it on Optus’s website last night. BUT – this morning I learned on Twitter (in between all the Michael Jackson craziness) that the Apple Store was selling them outright for $200 less than Vodafone’s pre-paid! I called Optus to cancel the offer while the Snook ran down to the George Street store. They have plenty in stock. He got the phone, and tonight we did the big switch. It worked perfectly! Expect more mobile video in the future, kids.

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    @witty_knitter I hadn’t! Great minds think alike. 🙂

    @traceyh Unfortunately, yes. Every New Year’s I post my stats, and I think this will probably be my lightest blogging year ever…

    How to feel old: Mention “The Princess Bride” and have your coworker say: “Never heard of it.” WHAT IS THE NEXT GENERATION COMING TO?

    Just got an email with Optus upgrade pricing for iPhone! They’ll reduce my upgrade fees by 20%, but I’d have to re-up for 2 years.

    Yours said 40%, @zachhorder? I’m only 6 months into 24 mo Optus contract, and they offered me 20% off upgrade fees. Not worth it.

    @shaps I only got offered 20%. Seeing everything from 20-40% on Twitter right now.

    The Optus iPhone upgrade offers have gone out, and it sounds like they’re offering 20-40% off upgrade fees depending on length of contract.

    @techAU Not for everyone. I only got offered 20% off.

    @shaps Only six. 20% off isn’t enough to sway me, considering I’d have to change from my grandfathered $39 plan (which I love).

    Same guy: “Is Alice in Wonderland a book, Kris?” God bless this kid.

    @shaps I’m not going to bother. Partner is going to get $19 plan and swap phones with me. (He doesn’t make many calls.)

    @redambition I signed up for the updates on the Optus site.

    Lovely two hour celebratory lunch… It’s nice to feel like the company appreciates all our hard work!

    @wookie_man I thought you were gonna wait and see Tia’s?? 🙂

    @wookie_man I can’t see their plans online?! Did they email them to you?

    @smallpirate If you’re on contract, free. I did it last week. Surprisingly, they did it in less than 2 business days!

    Heading to knitting at the Grace…

    iPhone ordered, delivery Saturday. WOO! That was a tense 20 minutes. Stupid Optus site is very fragile. Expected session timeout any second.

    I thought Michael Jackson lived in Bahrain or something because he thought the US was too persecute-y with the whole molestation thing?

    @traceyh I think it’s a total fake.